FACEBOOK - A COMPANION TO COMPANION LESS : BY: MR. ULFAT ANJAN WANI : Thanks to Facebook for providing us precious pleasure even in this 21st century of tumults and storms.It has become a solace to lonely hearts and the best companion to the companion less.Today in this age of frustration it is a source of enormous peace and joy...! Nowadays every Tom, Dick and Harry has an account on facebook.From school going kids to Middle aged folk, facebook continues to govern each and every mind.Idleness which is the satans sister is nowhere to be seen these days.According to G.B Shaw An idle mans mind is a devils workshop thanks to facebook for preventing the devil from opening his shop.People can be seen lost in the world of facebook everywhere-on roads, in streets, in public parks, in schools, colleges and universities,in shops and other common places.Type any name and you will discover many accounts attached to it-fake as well as real.Facebook has become a means of recreation and enjoyment.Some people mostly youngsters love to be fool others with fake accounts.Majority of boys are girls and girls boys.Facebook is the only place where boys fall in love with boys and girls with girls unknowingly.Most of the cases even turn serious which then end with an ill addiction to some devastating drug or simply with a suicide.True affairs also occur here but rarely and some of them really succeed by ending with a court marriage or home marriage. Facebook is not overcrowded with its devotees only during the day but even during the silent dark night.The youngsters mostly teenagers sacrifice even the sweet and delicious sleep for the special facebook pleasure.They go to bed early in the evening but turn the lights off (lights of phone displays) only after dawn.Throughout the calm night they do nothing except exchanging meaningless messages to mostly non existent princes or princesses in some mysterious lands for there are many actors who know well how to pose as innocent princes and princesses. These days, to arrest the attention of people, you need to call them aloud twice or thrice and still there are some who never listen to you. Facebook also brings to you the happenings in the word corners every second which is indeed appreciable.There are some pages related to almost every field which aim at providing illuminating things every minute.But still there are some pages governed by some mysterious minds that have no special purpose at all.They just keep you engaged to offer you a company in loneliness...... There is much to say but i have a message from someone to read, a request from someone to accept, a status from someone needing a comment and a like, a tag from someone to look at..................­.......! See you soon....
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 10:58:33 +0000

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