FACEBOOK : Dear beloved ummah, facebook is not haraam, anywhere - TopicsExpress


FACEBOOK : Dear beloved ummah, facebook is not haraam, anywhere we can use an opportunity to promote Islam and the deen without falling into sin or going against Islam is permissible, but the things that the muslims are doing on facebook is HARAAM.....like women uploading pics of themselves....this is the biggest fitnah on fb and it is a sin, what is worse is that it is a sin to the woman that uploaded the pic, as well as a sin to the men that look at her pics, dear ummah, this is not going to help you or elevate you in Islam in anyway, in fact, this is only going to take you away from Allah (swt).....I have seen to many women on fb posting pics of themselves whether in hijab or not....it is TOTALLY HARAAM....you have no control of how a man will look at your pic when you post it, you have no control of how long he stares at you, you have no control of what he thinks of when he sees your pic, or what he does after seeing those pics, WOMEN, I URGE AND I BEG YOU TO REMOVE ALL THE PICS YOU HAVE OF YOURSELVES ON FACEBOOK....it is a SIN and the sin that the men commit when they see you will also BE AT YOUR COST...men are responsible for lowering their gaze....BUT YOU WOMEN ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU GIVE THE MEN TO GAZE AT!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 20:38:39 +0000

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