FACES, FACES EVERYWHERE AND WHAT DO THEY MEAN? by Birgitte Knaus 23.1.2015 At the very beginning of this blog, I wrote an article called: “Faces, Faces everywhere, but what do they mean?” I now saw that this article is no longer available on this site, due to a recent change of my website, therefore I will write it again. Did you know that no two people on the whole planet are exactly the same? Nor has ever existed a person identical to you, since creation began? No, don’t worry I am not going bore you and talk about procreation, nor about Gregor Mendel’s theory of Genetics and Inheritance, nor will I mention any scientific researches to proof my point. Just tell me “How do you feel about faces? What do they mean to you? Can you say you know something about them? Or, yes do they resemble to someone you know from your past? We may think, oh this one reminds me of my old friendly neighbour back when I was a teenager, and oh this one yes, ha ha-ha-he looks like my grandmothers chauffeur or gardener and “OMG” this one looks just like that little nasty bastard, that bully, so proud and full of himself, I so much detested back in primary school, and this one looks just like Gaddafi, this one like the Queen of England, that one like Kevin Costner, or my mother in law and this one like that nasty guy in the movie I just watched last night… and so it goes on and on throughout the day and our entire life. We are so full of judgements and preconceived ideas about people we meet, that we rarely see or perceive the real person behind the face in front of us. We think because we know someone, who may slightly look like them, we have the right to feel anxious, annoyed, afraid or welcoming and friendly towards that person. This one deserves my attention and this one definitely not, thank you very much! People tend to see people through the eyes and memories of their past. We seldom see and recognise what is really here and now. Unconsciously we certainly do, consciously we don’t. Something in us, called intuition knows, but we get overshadowed by our mind and emotions from our past encounters and experiences. How much reality is there in our first encounters, our initial feelings and reactions we have towards new people we meet? Have you ever had a moment when you thought for yourself “Why are people’s faces so different?” Why are there so many different races on this planet, so many different type of faces, so many different skin colours, hair and eye colours so many body shapes and forms, so many different shapes of wrinkles carved on people´s faces?” and above all “What does it all mean???” How can I learn to understand and know people better? I also soon realised that people create different life realities and different experiences in their lives. So, could there be some kind of relationship, maybe a link between their personality and their physical appearance? Nothing in nature is by chance. So could there be a sort of secret knowledge, code or language underlying nature and people´s faces we can learn and master? Could we learn to read and interpret a face we meet for the first time, or which fascinates us while mingling in a cocktail party, sitting in a bus or a plain or while we come in touch with our mechanic, who will repair our car, or a doctor who will take care of our health or a nanny who will take care of our children? How can we read a face accurately and free of our personal preconceived ideas and emotions, just read and know “what is there”. What if we could learn to know the meaning i.e.; if someone has large black eyes a short fat nose with wide nostrils, big voluptuous lips and black skin and curly hair like some African people have? Or what does it mean when someone is tall, has blue droopy eyes a fine and aquiline nose, a small mouth and thin lips, has white skin, blond, thin and straight hair? Or what does it mean if someone has a strong chin or a recessed one, a thin neck or a strong and muscular one, small thin skinned ears versus large and fleshy ones? And not to talk about the variety of shapes of the skulls, where we house our brains, the study of which is called “Phrenology”. Such a variety - it never ends, what fun! It never gets boring and repetitive. Sometimes I think this planet is like a zoo? Have you also noticed that some people remind us even of animals or birds? One little planet Earth, and so many different people. Sometimes I think we must have come from different planets, to all meet here and gain our experiences. How can we be so different and yet so similar when it comes to basic human behaviour and necessities? We know that many animals behave very similar to us too. Until I was in my mid 20ies, I could only express what I felt and intuitively knew about people by drawing or painting their faces. This is called a Portraits or the art of portraiture, which by the way, has been my profession nearly all my life. Then one day I had a Portrait Exhibition in the Palace Hotel in St.Moritz in Switzerland, when after a dinner a well-known doctor, who later on he and his family became good friends of mine, wanted me to show him my portraits I had exhibited in one of the halls in the hotel. To my total amazement he started reading the portraits and faces peoples, he had never even met before. That was when for the first time that I learned about the existence of “Physiognomy” or the “Art of Reading Faces”. Wow! What a revelation this was for me and as it often happens in life, the so called “ coincidences”, soon after my friend Suzanna from Zurich mentioned to me about a teacher she found out, who is a great expert in Physiognomy and teaches in Zurich. Needless to say, immediately I took my car and drove from South of France, where I was living at the time, all the way to Zurich to meet this man. What I then learned from this man, was a knowledge and an enriching experience for me. He was able to proof that my intuition was right. Not only did he teach us to read faces, but hands, eyes, ears, bodies, voices, peoples choices for colours and what that all means, and above all where he got that unusual knowledge from. If this is of interest to you and you wish to know more, I may talk about “Physiognomy and the Art of reading Faces” and “Phrenology” (the art of reading the shape and form of peoples skulls) on my next blog. Written by Birgitte Knaus
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:35:12 +0000

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