FACT: A Lion’s roar can be heard from five miles - TopicsExpress


FACT: A Lion’s roar can be heard from five miles away: LESSON: You need to make yourself to be heard A famous author once said “You may have a heart of gold, but then so does a hard boiled egg.” You may have good intentions in mind, but if you don’t say them out, nobody will know how noble they are. There are plenty of animals that are bigger and stronger and have more stamina than the Lion; there are animals that are faster, there are animals that are even better hunters, but what makes the Lion arguably the most fearsome animal to walk the earth is its voice. Its voice is its reputation. Many of us never met Albert Einstein, but we all have knowledge of him because he had something to say and he said it. Many of us never met people like Adolf Hitler or Mother Theresa of Calcutta, but we know about them because they had statements to make and they made those statements. Muhammad Ali has a reputation that is mouth-based. It is important for you to know that the statement you make is not just about what you say, the things you do and your character is part of what make your reputation. The Lion knows that its roar precedes it everywhere it goes, that is why it is the epitome of boldness. If you develop your reputation properly through your words, your boldness will increase as well. Never make the mistake of believing that your friends, or siblings or neighbors or co-workers should be able to read your mind. There is nothing to be gained by keeping to yourself, express yourself, if you know you are not extroverted, you can write. If you know you have a talent or a gift, use it. Go out and make friends. Even if you have been told that your use of English is pathetic, dont stop using it. It may be the only way to flush out the rubbish in it and take in the correct words and grammar. A recluse is of no use to anyone. As the popular maxim goes “unless the tortoise sticks its head out of its shell, it cannot go anywhere”. And you are bound for the beautiful place. SPEAK, speak loud and bold
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 10:51:32 +0000

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