FACT OR FAITH? Fr. Joel Jason STL The readings today present - TopicsExpress


FACT OR FAITH? Fr. Joel Jason STL The readings today present a unified theme of prayer. In the First Reading, Queen Esther prays to God for deliverance against the advancing enemies. The Responsorial Psalm is a thanksgiving for answered prayers: “Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me.” In the Gospel, Jesus bids us never to tire in beseeching God for our needs. Like any good father who wishes what is best and truly good for his children, so is our heavenly Father. Prayer is not simply an efficacious formula we declare when we want to and need to. There is a subjective disposition that needs to accompany such a declaration. Let me clarify. In the Bible, for example, we hear a declaration of the true identity of Jesus from a very unlikely source, an unclean spirit: “I know who you are — the holy One of God!” In response to such a declaration, Jesus rebuked the evil spirit sharply and commanded, “Be quiet! Come out of the man!” Jesus obviously was not flattered by the declaration. In some other parts of the Gospel narratives, Peter also declared in behalf of the Twelve, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). Unlike the case of the man possessed by the unclean spirit, Jesus welcomed the declaration and commended Peter for it. Both Peter and the evil spirit made the same declaration. But the same declaration received a different response from Jesus. What accounts for the difference? The evil spirit simply made a declaration of fact. Peter made a declaration of faith, borne out of love. Every time we go to Church, we profess and declare our faith in the living God. But we are not simply there to declare a fact. God does not need to be reminded of the fact of His Divinity. God longs to hear a declaration of faith and love from His children. When we declare it in faith, it is not God who benefits. It is then that our prayers receive a hearing from God. So what will it be for your prayer: a declaration of fact or faith? Fr. Joel Jason REFLECTION QUESTION: When you recite the Apostle’s Creed at Mass, is your mind, heart and will engaged in the words that come out of your mouth? God our Father, You are the source of everything. You know that I love You.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 01:13:39 +0000

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