FACT: Prior to the 1960s, rioting (or race riots), consisted of - TopicsExpress


FACT: Prior to the 1960s, rioting (or race riots), consisted of whites burning down and destroying black communities simply because they didnt want them there. Mostly in major northern, western and Midwestern cities, where the population of black citizens grew tremendously due to the great migration. Blacks fled from Jim Crow south to seek refuge and to find jobs and homes. The competition was fierce, thousands and thousands of blacks flooded the cities resulting in white flight. White people were angry that blacks were taking over jobs and building their own communities. Even white soldiers that have been stationed away from home were furious when they came back to this change. This is how race riots started. Whites were not too happy about desegregation in their cities. With subliminal attempts to keep their city segregated, blacks were not allowed in the white part of town. Black homes and communities were destroyed and burned down by angry white mobs and countless deaths occured. Here are ONLY just a few examples of race riots that took place in our country: 1921: May 30- June 1. Tulsa, OK. Black Wall Street Massacre 1922. May 6, June 9 Kirven, Texas 1923: January 1. Rosewood, FL Rosewood Massacre 1930: October 12-15 Sainte Genevieve, MO 1931: March Scottsboro, AL 1935: March 19 Harlem, NY Harlem Riot of 1935 1943: May Mobile, AL 1943: June Los Angeles, CA Zoot Suit Riot 1943: June 15-16 Beaumont, TX Beaumont Race Riot of 1943 1943: June 20 Detroit, MI Detroit Race Riot 1943:August1 Harlem,NY Harlem Riot of 1943 1949: August-September Peekskill, NY 1951: July 11-12 Cicero County, IL Cicero Race Riot 1958: Maxton, NC Battle of Hayes Pond 1959: February Pearl River County, MS 1960: April Biloxi Beach, MS 1962: October Oxford, MS Uni of Mississippi 1963: September 30. Oxford, MS Ole Miss Riot 1963: July 11Cambridge, MD Cambridge riot of 1963 1963: May 13 Birmingham, AL Bombings 1964: July Brooklyn, NY 1964: July 18 Harlem, NY Harlem Riot of 1964 1964: July 24-26 Rochester, NY Rochester riot 1964: August Jersey City, NJ 1964: August Paterson, NJ 1964: August Elizabeth, NJ 1964: August Chicago, IL 1964: August 28 Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia 1964 race riot 1965: March 7 Selma, AL Bloody Sunday 1965: July Springfield, MA 1965: August 11-17 Los Angeles, CA Watts Riot ... only to name a few.... (Image: Race Riot in Detroit, 1943) please Almighty God pull the covers off of these corrupt thuggish police officers and their union. Let everything they do evil be exsposed to the public and the world. GOD let their own evilness BACKFIRE ON THEIR OWN HEADS AND HEARTS. NOW THESES CORRUPT POLICE OFFICERS ARE PULLING A DICTATORSHIP ON THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, AND IF THE GOVERNMENT ALLOWS THESE CORRUPT DICTATING POLICE OFFICERS TO GET AWAY WITH THIS THUGGISH ACT, THE OFFICERS WILL BE WORST THAN ISIS AND THE TERRORISTS. LET THEM ALL GO NOW. THEY ARE EVIL TO THREATEN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WITH A COUP. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT IF THEY CANT SEE WHAT THESE THUGGISH POLICE OFFICERS ARE DOING. IF THESE OFFICERS GETS AWAY WITH THIS, EVERY WHITE OFFICERS IN THE UNITED STATES WILL FOLLOW THEIR LEAD. IT SOUNDS LIKE TO ME THAT THESE THUGGISH POLICE OFFICERS ARE SAYING LET US KILL ALL OF THE NON WHITES THAT WE WANT TO WITHOUT ANY ACCOUNTABlLITIES. I PERSONALLY SAY TO HELL WITH THEIR ACTIONS. ACTING LIKE THE DEVIL REINCARNATED. Presidents who were members of the KKK: President Warren G. Harding, President Woodrow Wilson, President McKinley, President Calvin Coolidge, and President Harry S. Truman. Supreme Court Justice members: Hugo Black. Other notable and downright important men were: President Warren G. Harding. He was actually sworn into the Ku Klux Klan in a Klan ceremony conducted inside the White House by Imperial Wizard Colonel Simmons. President Woodrow Wilson and President McKinley were members of the KKK, little is known of their Klan membership however. There is at least one book that documents they were actual members, but it only mentions they were members, thats all. McKinley was a Union officer, but many Union men joined or affiliated with the original First Era Ku Klux Klan during the Radical Republicans anti-white Reconstruction Era. Union General Hardee was another Union man who later joined the Klan. President Wilson would have been a member of the Klan under the Command of Imperial Wizard Colonel Simmons. President Calvin Coolidge was a noted Klansman and was well known to be an active member of the Ku Klux Klan. He allowed cross lightings on the Capitol steps and reviewed the giant Klan parades of 1925 and 1926 in Washington D.C. President Harry S. Truman was a minor ordinary Klansman from 1920 -1922. His two year membership was not notable and somewhat lacking. Heeventually had a major falling out with the KKK over his desire to appoint RomanCatholics to key political positions; something which all of the KKK opposed at the time. Some Klans now not only accept Roman Catholics but actively recruit them. The true Ku Klux Klan is however traditionally and rightfully opposed to Roman Catholicism and Papists influence over America. President Harry S. Truman was currying favor with Roman Catholic voters and was more interested in his political career than the Klan or the good of America. He severed all ties with the KKK and openly repudiated them. They didnt call the arrogant upstart give them Hell Harry, for nothing. His family has tried to deny his KKK membership ever since, but has failed miserably since it is a well established fact of documented history. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black was a Klansman, his Klan Robes complete with his name in them were found in an old Klan Klavern Hall in the 1960s. Unfortunately under intense political pressure he superficially repudiated the Klan during its notorious period of scandals. Gutzon Borglum the artist who carved Mt. Rushmore, Stone Mountain, and also did work on the base of the Statue of Liberty was a prominent Life Member of The Ku Klux Klan. He sat on the Imperial Koncilium in 1923, which transferred leadership of The Ku Klux Klan from Imperial Wizard Colonel Simmons to Imperial Wizard Hiram Evans. Later while under intense pressure and scrutiny, both public and media pressure worked their wicked results and he superficially repudiated The KKK WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED ON BLACKS. HOWEVER, BLACKS DIDNT REALIZE OR KNOW IT UNTIL NOW. BLACKS ALLOWED THE CAUCASIANS TO LOWER THEM TO SLEEP WITH THEIR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, WHILE THEY WERE PLOTTING AND PLANNING ON HOW TO COMMIT GENOCIDE ON BLACKS. BLACKS SOON FORGOT THE STRUGGLES OF THE JIM CROW ERA AND WERE QUICKLY LOWERED TO SLEEP WITH A FALSE BELIEF THAT WE WOULD BE TREATED EQUALLY BECAUSE OF THE FLAWED LAWS THAT WERE PUT INTO PLACE TO PROTECT BLACKS RIGHTS. WITH THE FLAWED JUSTICE SYSTEM THE CAUCASIANS LEADERS GAVE BLACKS CANDY LACED WITH POISON. JIM CROW AND HIS SISTER RACISM NEVER DIED. YES LAWS WERE PASSED AND PUT IN PLACE TO PROTECT BLACKS, BUT THOSE LAWS COULD NOT CHANGE THE DEEP SEEDED HATERD THAT WHITES HAD AND STILL HAVE FOR BLACKS. SO NOW TODAY IN THE TWENTIETH FIRST CENTURY, 2015 THE WAR ON BLACKS CONTINUES TO GO ON. BLACKS PLEASE WAKE-UP. AM I THE BLACK WOMAN THAT CAN SEE AND FEEL THE HORROR THAT IS TAKING PLACE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A flawed Justice system for all blacks. The America Justice system appears to be sending a message to all black Americans that they can not depend on the Justice department for Justice. The message says that blacks have no other recourse except to survive by any means necessary. This Justice system appears to be saying that whites can kill blacks without fear of being prosecuted. This flawed Justice system has to end. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. MAY ALMIGHTY GOD HAVE MERCY ON ALL BLACKS TO OVER THIS RACIST SYSTEM. WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED ON BLACKS. HOWEVER, BLACKS DID NOT REALIZE THE DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST THEM UNTIL NOW. Caucasians wonder why blacks are so angry. If blacks would have treated whites with committing the atrocities on them the way they committed on blacks the whites would be angry too. What group of people could be anymore evil or diabolical than the European descendants of KHAZARS from the caucus mountains that calls themselves whites. HITLER AND THE DEVIL IS IN THE SAME CATEGORY. THE FFAKE JEWS IN ISRAEL FEEL THAT THEY CAN TAKE THE PALESTINIANS LAND AND MAKE SLAVES OUT OF THE PALESTINIANS THE WAY THE EUROPEAN DEFENDANTS OF KHAZARS CALLED WHITES IN THE UNITED STATES DID TO THE NATIVES AND BLACKS. THE UNITED STATES HAS BECOME BABYLON THE GREAT. BABYLON, BABYLON THE GREAT HAS FALLEN FROM WITHIN BECAUSE SHE SPILLED TO BLOOD OF OTHER NATIONS WHILE SHE WAS KILLING HER OWN THAT BUILD HER UP WITH THEIR BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS. THE UNITED STATES TRIED TO REPLACE THE TRUE HEBREWS AND JEWS WITH THE ASHKENAZI FAKE JEWS IN THE 1940s. THAN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT IMPORTED THE TRUE HEBREWS AND JEWS IN THE BELLY OF SHIPS THEY CALLED SLAVE SHIPS. THE BLACKS ARE THE DESCENDANTS OF FATHER ABRAHAM AND HIS SON JACOB, JACOB NAME WAS CHANGED TO ISRAEL AND ISRAEL HAD 12 SONS. NONE OF HIS SONS WERE EUROPEAN DEFENDANTS OF KHAZARS. THEREFORE, THE ASHKENAZI FAKE JEWS ARE NOT THE DESCENDANTS OF FATHER ABRAHAM. READ REVELATION 2:9 AND 3:9. THE TRUTH WILL NOT BE HIDDEN ANY LONGER. THE WHOLE WORLD NOW KNOWS ABOUT THE BIG LIE THAT THE UNITED STATES AND THE ASHKENAZI FAKE JEWS TRIED TO HIDE. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND LEARN THE TRUTH. I CAN UNDERSTAND WHY SUICIDE BOMBERS WERE CREATED. I ALSO CAN UNDERSTAND WHY ISIS WAS CREATED. THEY WERE CREATED OUT OF STRUGGLES FOR JUSTICE AND EQUALITY. A NATION WHERE THERE IS NO JUSTICE AND EQUALITY WILL FALL BECAUSE HUMAN BEINGS GET FEED UP WITH BEING TREATED LIKE THEY ARE LESS THAN ANIMALS. The new ku klux klans, the United States police forces. An over haul of law enforcement is drastically needed in order for the United States to heal. Whether or not the Federal Government knows it, the United States has some malignant cancerous tumors such as, racism, equality, and a flawed Justice system that is killing AMERICA from the inside out. Without systemically removing these malignancies America can not survive much longer. The Great Roman Empire failed from within. Many nations failed from within. How can America survive when she is rotting from the inside out with the cancers of racism, equality, and a flawed Justice system? Maybe Americas Federal Government has some answers on how to eradicate these deadly cancers that is killing her. Other nations will be ecstatic to see the fall of America. Just as America was ecstatic to see the fall of Babylon The Great. For those of you who dont know where Babylon is, Babylon was renamed Iraq with the help of the United States and Israel. The United States has now become the new Babylon the Great. Other nations are laughing at the United States. A police department coup is dictatorship at its best. The message to the world is that the police forces rules the United States and will not be held accountable to any government Agency. In my opinion these thuggish cops can not be acting in the best interest of the people. How can the cops police themselves, when they themselves are the murderers. The ones that are framing innocent citizens with crime that the citizens did not commit. These police departments need to be dismantled as many police departments has been dismantled in the past for corruption and racism. Again in my opinion these officers are not fit to serve the public with their negative attitudes. Can you say POLICE DEPARTMENT COUP and DICTATORSHIP. This is what is what is truly happening to our nation. History is repeating itself again as if these caucasians thugs has not committed enough atrocities against non caucasians or whites as they have named themselves. The whole police department needs to be dismantled and overhaul. Police brutality is creating something worst than suicide bombers in the United States. Citizens feel that they have no representation in the Justice department or in the government. Everyday for years black youths are being gunned down in the streets by white police officers that appears to be the real thugs in the United States. I predict that the streets in the United States will soon be running with blood because citizens are being pushed to the breaking point. Most people believe that they might as well die for something, when the police officers are going to kill your young and you for nothing. My question, is why would the United States Government allow the continual murdering of black youths by police officers without bring charges against these racist officers? Maybe the government dont care what happens to the the black citizens. By the United States Government and Justice department doing nothing to stop the thuggish police officers from killing blacks, Blacks feel that there is no other recourses except to procure the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness by other mean. We cry for the lost of these two officers. We also cry for the lost of all blacks that have blatantly been framed and killed by some THUGGISH POLICE OFFICERS in the United States. What a sad day in Americas society. However, I FORETELL of the streets flowing with the blood of many whites and blacks. How long did the federal government expected the continuous killing of BLACKS without creating a feeling in the young blacks for the need of survival. A lack of equality without representation in any NATION will create human time bombs waiting to explode. please Almighty God pull the covers off of these corrupt thuggish police officers and their union. Let everything they do evil be exsposed to the public and the world. GOD let their own evilness BACKFIRE ON THEIR OWN HEADS AND HEARTS. NOW THESES CORRUPT POLICE OFFICERS ARE PULLING A DICTATORSHIP ON THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, AND IF THE GOVERNMENT ALLOWS THESE CORRUPT DICTATING POLICE OFFICERS TO GET AWAY WITH THIS THUGGISH ACT, THE OFFICERS WILL BE WORST THAN ISIS AND THE TERRORISTS. LET THEM ALL GO NOW. THEY ARE EVIL TO THREATEN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WITH A COUP. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT IF THEY CANT SEE WHAT THESE THUGGISH POLICE OFFICERS ARE DOING. IF THESE OFFICERS GETS AWAY WITH THIS, EVERY WHITE OFFICERS IN THE UNITED STATES WILL FOLLOW THEIR LEAD. IT SOUNDS LIKE TO ME THAT THESE THUGGISH POLICE OFFICERS ARE SAYING LET US KILL ALL OF THE NON WHITES THAT WE WANT TO WITHOUT ANY ACCOUNTABlLITIES. I PERSONALLY SAY TO HELL WITH THEIR ACTIONS. ACTING LIKE THE DEVIL REINCARNATED War has been declared on blacks. However, blacks didnt realize the declaration of war against them until now. A flawed Justice System has fostered and motivated the blatant racial treatment of blacks. The Caucasians from the caves of the caucus mountians named the Hebrew Israelites that they kidnapped and packed like sardines into the bottom of their slave ships niggars than the caucasians renamed the niggers, to colored people, and then again renamed the Hebrew slaves to negros,and last but not lest the Caucasians renamed the Hebrew Israelites Blacks. The only group of people in the world that the Caucasians has changed their nationality four times. The Caucasians never called us by our true names which is Hebrew Israelites. The most devilish group of people in the world known in every nation is the Caucasians that renamed themselves whites, when they know that they are pink. Leading others to believe that everything white is pure, clean, honest, and without blemish. What better name could the Devil give his children. They named us blacks because black means dirty, evil, wicked and the darkest of sinful nature. The meaning of black best describes the atrocities and dark actions of the Caucasians. There is no other group of people on planet earth that is more deceitful than the Caucasians. Dont believe it? Just ask the orginal natives that owned this land. Just ask any other nation where the Caucasians has stepped their feet, whether or not the Caucasians has brought damnation and destruction with them. How long Almighty God? How long will they be allowed to destroy your people?
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 09:34:56 +0000

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