FACT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN IN A RELATIONSHIP Dont be too fast to - TopicsExpress


FACT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN IN A RELATIONSHIP Dont be too fast to quit your relationship because you see some bad behaviors in your partner; the truth is that we all are humans. No human is perfect and there is no human being that does not have one or two comas. When you observe some characters you dont like in your partner, do not quit the relationship instantly, rather, correct him/her; counsel him/her. Do not expect your partner to change immediately after you corrected him/her. Give him/her some time to change gradually; change is a slow process. Be patient. This is the mistake that many people make. When they notice an ugly behavior in their partner, they quit the relationship. It is very wrong. It doesnt show maturity. Mature people dont quit relationships like that; they give their partners time to change gradually and then tolerate each other. If you keep on searching for a perfect person to marry, then you will keep searching forever and end up not getting married; this is because a perfect person does not exist; a person that has all the qualities you want does not exist. All you need to do is to correct your partner. However your manner of approach when correcting your partner matters a lot. Do not correct him/her with a harsh voice or tone; correction should be done wisely with a soft tone without hurting your partner. Correct with love. Remember: the devil you know is better than the Angel you dont know. THEREFORE LET US KEEP TOLERATING EACH OTHER JUST AS GOD HAS BEEN TOLERATING US.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 09:34:48 +0000

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