FACTS PART FOR JULY 19-27-2012: CALDWELL COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT July 19 2012 I contacted the sheriff department to report Mr____entering the rental residence and removing my personal property. Telecommunications told me to deal with him in civil court, and hung up. I sought property theft charges on after consulting with my attorney s. Magistrate G.M Cornett issued Mr.___a misdemeanor criminal summons 12CR052413 to appear in court 07-19-12 Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. Such as, EQUAL PROTECTION OF LAW July 20 2012 My family and I passed the rental residence and seen Mr-------- again entering the rental residence and removing property. I pulled over above the rental residence at Five Points on Dudley Shoals Rd and called the sheriff’s department. I requested Law enforcement to remove Mr. _____ from the property as I had sought property theft charges against him. I further requested that Officer Chad Price not be sent if possible, as I had been harassed by him on more than one occasion. I walked down the roadside taking my cell phone and attempted to film Mr. ____ entering the residence and removing my personal property. At that time a silver car pulled into Mr. ___ driveway at 1060 Dudley Shoals Rd, Immediately upon the arrival of two Granite Falls Police Officers the silver car backs out of Mr.____ driveway coming up to the rental residence pulling between Officers Goudelock and John Hicks patrol cars. Officer John Hicks with Granite Falls Police Department approaches Mr.____ stating, “Now ____We Told You That You Can’t Be doing this. Officer Chad Price exits the vehicle in civilian clothes with a badge around his neck on a chain approaching me saying, “I told you, I’d arrest you if you came back down here. “I said I am not on his property I am on a state maintained road. He states, “Well if it makes you feel better, I will arrest you for blocking traffic. I stepped back from the road and He states “LANDLORD owns that property, now you’re Trespassing. When I stepped forward, he States, “Now you are blocking traffic again. I attempted to show Officer Price a copy of the property theft charge I sought against Mr.___as well as a copy of a civil lawsuit. Officer Price states, “It’s not my job to read paper work. When I requested the Deputies to stop Mr.___ from entering the residence and not be about the property without cause, “I was told no. Officer Price then states, “You are harassing Mr.____ by filming him. I turned around and left. Three hours later around 8:30PM, Officer Price shows up at the residence where I was staying located at 4330 Stirewalt Dr; in his patrol car and uniform accompanied by male Officer from Granite Falls Police Department. Officer Price states, “We are going to supervise as Mr. ___ loads your property on a flat bed truck, and we will bring it to you. I said I have nowhere to put it, Officer Price states “Well we will dump it off in the yard. I told Officer Price he could not do that, Officer Price then states, I’m the “ Law and I can do whatever the hell I want to. I told Officer Price he better not, I said I am calling your supervisor, and then they left. •18 USC § 241 - CONSPIRACY AGAINST RIGHTS: If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured They shall be fined under this title •Title 42, of the United States Code. Section 1983 makes it unlawful for anyone acting under the authority of state law to deprive another person of his or her rights under the Constitution or federal law. July 21 2012 I contacted the magistrates Office and spoke with Magistrate Keene regarding the entire situation. Magistrate Keene directed me to call Captain Mongo at the Sheriff’s Department. I called and left a message but never received a return call. I then requested to speak to someone in internal affairs to file a grievance. The call was sent to the detective’s division. I explained that several of their police officers were harassing me; I have been brutalized during arrest; and I was heat boarded in Officer Mc Craw’s car while being transported for the purpose to choke me. I state that I have requested to file a grievance on several occasions thus far. I further state that I wanted the harassment of their Deputies and department stopped. I was then put threw to Captain Bennett, I addressed all this with Captain Bennett, I further told him I had contacted the FBI and they were coming to see me as the Sheriff’s department had made me fear for my life. Captain Bennett states, “No Mrs. Wright the FBI is not coming to see you. I said yes they are, He sates “NO THE FBI IS NOT COMING TO YOUR HOUSE.I then gave Captain Bennett the Agents’ name _____I told Captain Bennett that Magistrate Keene had instructed me to contact the Commanding Officer’s for the Sheriff’s Department, regarding the incidents involving the Department’s Deputies. Captain Bennett then asked to call me back. I never received a return call. •Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141, makes it unlawful for state or local law enforcement agencies to allow Officers to Engage in a Pattern or Practice of conduct that deprives persons of rights protected by the Constitution or Laws of the United States. •Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. Such as EQUAL PROTECTION of LAW ENFORCMENT July 22 2012 I woke up in respiratory distress so I contacted the Sheriff Department and requested permission to pick up my medication from the rental residence at 1080 Dudley Shoals Rd. Telecommunications operator Jason Pennell instructed me to send my brother or my son I told him neither of them was licensed to drive. Telecommunications then instructed me to meet Caldwell County Sheriff Deputies at 9:00 am at Five Points on Dudley Shoals Rd, and Sheriff’s Deputies would escort me to the residence and get my medication. I stated, will I be arrested for going onto the property as I have been banned. Jason Pennell states “Now Mrs. Wright don’t start, “Why would we send an officer to met you, and take you to the residence if we were going to arrest you. I drove down to Five Points to meet the deputies accompanied by my brother. Upon arrival of Caldwell County Sheriff Deputies, I exited my vehicle to greet Officer Price and Mc Craw, I was arrested immediately and took to the Magistrates Office where I received a Harassing Phone call charge 12CR05244. When I questioned my arrest Magistrate Keene told me to shut up or she would hold me in Contempt of Court. July 23 2012 Caldwell County Detention Officer Bolick removed me from my cell telling me to face the wall. She placed me in shackles about my ankles, waist and wrist. She then stats that I have called around and got a mess stirred up in the Sheriff’s Department that has caused the FBI to come to the jail and they were asking to see me. Officer Bolick took me to the front where I met the Federal Agent. I was so scared I did not hear him state his name as he showed me his identification. The Agent was direct in asking me, why I thought I was being harassed by the Sheriff’s Department. ‘I state that I was being retaliated against for attempting to file a grievance regarding The Sheriff’s Department. The Agent asked me what kind of evidence I had. I told him I had video, audio tapes and questionable warrants. The Agent asked where it was I said my son had it. The Agent then asked where my son was; I state that I was instructed not to surrender any original copies. ‘He states that I cannot control his investigation and he would find my son. “I state that was not what I meant or my intent. I told Him I instructed my son in the event of my arrest or possible disappearance to surrender anything requested by the FBI. I then pleaded with the Agent to remember me and to be aware that my son could be in danger. He said this sounded to him to be a state issue but would look into it. As the Detention Officers were returning me to my cell, they were laughing and mocking me. I started crying stating, “I will give the Sheriff’s Department everything I have all the audio, video and the paper work in my possession if you will not hurt my son. I state, “If it will make you stop I will not come back out of my cell breathing. I was left out until lockdown. After supper, I sat next to my cell door crying while waiting for lock down. When the cells opened for locked down, Detention Officer Lail and Story approached me instructing me to stand up and come with them. I was took up front stripped of all clothing by Officer Hawkins and put in a suicide smock and placed in a cell with no toilet, no toilet paper and placed on mandatory lock down for suicide watch. July 27 2012 I filed a grievance requesting to speak with the Sheriff immediately regarding the unfair treatment by his staff, my unlawful arrests and detainment. Detention Officer Sgt. Anders states that the grievance was denied due to being beyond the control of the Detention Facility
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 02:26:12 +0000

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