FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BOKO HARAM On July 23, 2014, Boko - TopicsExpress


FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BOKO HARAM On July 23, 2014, Boko Haram targeted and attacked Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi, the leader and Supreme Imam of the Tijaniyyah Muslim order in Nigeria, in the Holy month of Ramadan, killing at least 32. It made news headlines globally, even on CNN News. But a lot of people never even heard of it because a lot of noise was not made about it. [Click on the CNN link below to confirm]. In February this year (2014), Boko Haram brutally murdered Sheikh Albani Zaria, leader of the Salafiyyah Movement in Nigeria. [Click on the Reuters News link below] On al-Qudus day this year (July 25, 2014), the Shia Muslim group in Nigeria whilst having a peaceful procession in the city of Zaria against Israels occupation of Palestine, gun men opened fire on them, killing 32 protesters including 3 sons of Imam Zakzaqy, the leader of the Shia movement in Nigeria. It was initially reported that Boko Haram were those behind the attacks, but the imam accused the Nigerian military. In Nigeria, the Tijjaniyyah movement, the Salafiyyah movement and the Shia (Jafariyah) are the ONLY Muslim groups in the country. If Boko Haram does not belong to any of the 3 groups, and is even killing the very top Muslim leaders in Nigeria, who then are the Boko Haram? They attack mosques, they attack the Muslim Kings in Northern Nigeria (top on the list is the Emir of Gwoza, Shehu Mustapha Idris Timta who was killed by Boko Haram), the Emir of Kano the late Abo Bayero who they missed narrowly, etc. Yes, like Muslims and mosques across Nigeria, Christians and churches are also targeted. But, we are yet to see a news report in any globally recognized news agency like the BBC, CNN, Al-Jazeera, Reuters, etc of any top Christian bishop in Nigeria targeted or killed by Boko Haram. The likes of TB Joshua, Pastor Chris, Ashimolow, etc. We are yet to see any Christian ruler in Nigeria targeted. Yet, all we hear is Boko Haram is fighting Christianity and wants to spread Islam. Amazing! Its time we start looking for real answers as to who are the Boko Haram, and whats really their motive, and stop concluding that Boko Haram is fighting against Christians to create an Islamic Nigeria. No Muslim will do what the Boko Haram is doing. Click the news links below to confirm all the facts mentioned above. [1]. CNN News: edition.cnn/2014/07/23/world/africa/nigeria-bombings/index.html?hpt=iaf_c2 [2]. Reuters News: mobile.reuters/article/idUSBREA120CK20140203?irpc=932 [3]. Reuters News: uk.mobile.reuters/article/idUKKBN0FV0N520140726?irpc=932 [4]. UK Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/nigeria/10986212/Nigeria-bomb-attacks-kill-at-least-80.html [5]. BBC News: bbc/news/world-africa-27641730 [6]. BBC News: bbc/news/world-africa-23676872
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:48:17 +0000

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