FAITH EMPOWERING LESSONS FOR ALL WHO ARE IN CHRIST! God watches over His Word to perform it! (Jer. 1:12; Luke 21:33) Satan was, is, and forever will be powerless to frustrate the purposes of God. He can never do more than or other than what God allows. And all that God allows him to do is designed by and dictated by God for some good purpose in the plan of God. (Job 42:1-6!) We often wonder how a Good and Sovereign God could allow sin, satan, and all of the incredible suffering that goes on in our fallen world! There are many things that we may not understand or know; there are some things which God has revealed to His children! FOR EXAMPLE: The Bible reveals that, **God raised up Pharaoh for the purpose of demonstrating God’s Power and God’s Name! (Romans 9:17) **God raised up Israel to set forth God’s praise! (Isaiah 41:21) **In case we have forgotten, God is busy carrying out His agenda, not ours! He created all things for Himself! (Col. 1:16) **God is busy doing all of His good pleasure and will; and nothing nor no one can stop Him! (Ps. 115:3; 135:6; Prov. 19:21; 21:1; Isa. 43:13; Dan. 4:34-35) Thus, God is never anxious or frustrated! IN ALL OF THE INCREDIBLE DRAMA of satans attempts to prohibit Jesus from coming to earth and of his attempts to kill Jesus before Gods appointed time-- NOT FOR ONE MOMENT was God surprised; nor did Almighty God have to put in place “EMERGENCY MEASURES!” Rather, God was orchestrating every event to reveal GRAND DEMONSTRATIONS of His holy character and attributes! “What if God, willing to show His wrath, and to make His power known, endured with much long-suffering, the vessels of wrath, fitted for destruction: And that He might make known the riches of His glory on vessels of mercy, which He hath afore prepared unto glory...” (Romans 9:22-23) THEREFORE, when difficult experiences of life tumble in and when the raging horror of sin, selfishness, and satan are attacking on every hand— Stay close to the Good Shepherd! Love God and watch Him work it all out!— IN TIME all things not only work for His glory, but also for the ultimate good of all His born again Children! (Romans 8:28-39; Revelation 14: 7-13; 15: 1-4) But also this: Worship God in awe and wonder at HIS PATIENCE AND LONG-SUFFERING with vessels of wrath! And most of all, let us all be astounded at “THE RICHES OF HIS GLORY ON VESSELS OF MERCY!” Henceforth, let us be on the look out for GRAND DEMONSTRATIONS of Gods holy character and attributes! REMEMBER: Because we live in Spiritual War Zones, SAINTS will have continuous conflict of some sort. However, these situations are but the settings/the stage for some glorious victory! Christian: You have what it takes in Christ to “...overcome him (satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of your testimony...” It is God’s will that we be among those who do not hold this present life so dear that we are unwilling to lay it down for Jesus’ sake! (Rev. 12:11) 6. TRACING THE BIBLICAL ACCOUNT of Christs first coming and simultaneously tracing the attempts of satan to destroy Messiah and/or Messiah’s followers from Genesis 3 on through days yet ahead of us--- ALL OF THIS should be of great comfort to all saints! For we see clearly that God says what He means! God means what He says! God keeps all of His promises! God does all of His good pleasure! It is God’s good pleasure to redeem and to save sinners and to bring all the redeemed, safely home to heaven! THEREFORE... Let us endure the crosses that come our way! CHRIST AND A CROWN AWAIT! Let us trust HIM! LOOK UP! REDEMPTION DRAWS NIGH!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 11:16:46 +0000

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