FAITH. Faith is a state not a process. Assuming faith is - TopicsExpress


FAITH. Faith is a state not a process. Assuming faith is calibrated from 0 to 10, one could act on a matter from level 0, 1, 2....10. Whereas acting from a lower scale could be seen as little faith, scale values like 8,9, 10 could be described as great faith. Now, if you act on a matter at state 2, it would not have the same impact as actions on level 8. Imagine the impact a catapult would have if it was released at 2cm elongation and compare it with when it is at 8cm elongation. Or, imagine you were given water for hand washing in two separate containers of water at 20 deg C and 80 deg C. Of course, you would be right if you assume that the later would be hotter. A catapult and water and their impacts at two different states have been imagined. Is it possible to imagine the impact of faith at different levels? Faith requires acting in the face of incomplete evidence. Having a great faith indicates acting at a high level of state of assurance that the outcome would be as desired notwithstanding the insufficiency of facts. But, how can one be sure in the face of incomplete or contradictory evidences? Or how do one feel acting in the face of incomplete evidence? Faith is more than intuition but faith makes one act intuitively. Notice that what makes the catapult elongate is not the catapult itself nor the increase in temperature of the water self-induced. In the same analogy, the level of faith one has is based on something. It could be anything or anybody. Some have faith in God, man, money or materials. Let us talk about faith in God or basing our assurance in God. To base ones faith in God, it takes believing and trusting not really confirming and knowing God fully before basing your faith in him. The simple reason is that it takes faith to believe in God and the relationship with God is built by faith. In other words, you start with faith, go by faith and end by faith. Nevertheless, as you go by faith, with time, it becomes more convincing that faith increases proportionally to our trust in God. Summarising, faith is acting because you are sure that you are correct even when you do not have all the evidences or facts to prove that you would be right. When you base your actions on the promises of God and believing that God is still who He was now and would never change before or after the outcome of your actions, then you have faith in God. Faith in the word of God doesnt allow you to fail because God never fails. If you are looking for what to base your actions on and succeed without comprehending or having all the evidences, base it on the word of God.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 23:35:04 +0000

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