FAITH IS NOT : Question : Do u believe the Power of God to change - TopicsExpress


FAITH IS NOT : Question : Do u believe the Power of God to change this circumstance? Answer : I have seen and heard about the great Power of God from Abraham till now. I believe God can change this for me too. FAITH IS : Question : Do u believe Gods Power can change this circumstance? Answer : I havent heard of, I havent seen any of the miracles that brother jst talked about ! But I jst know this God can change this! This is the message I got on a Friday evening, after havn been dissapointed on my previous knowlege of what FAITH is. You see... If the frst speaker above pointed at the power of God manifested thru d life of Father Abraham, now, tell me who Father Abraham pointed at, in order to believe (have Faith in) Gods Power? Adam wasnt childless? Abraham, did not believe that God who gave him Isaac wud give him another Isaac if he sacrificed him (Isaac)... No! That was not his point of Faith at that time. Instead, he STRONGLY believed that God was able to raise Isaac up from the dead! (Hebrews 11:19). Wher in Gods name, did he build dat faith from? What past testimony was he holdin on to? God loved Abel, but when Cain murdered him, He didnt raise him up! So der wasnt a story passed down from generations abt how God raised the dead. So wher did Abraham get that insight of what God could do? He was relating with God like he knew Him (God) from somewher, like he knew everything he cud do! He was soo CONVINCED about Gods ability, that he needed no proof to believe. He jst believed blindly. Must have shocked God... He couldnt help but display through him His ability to do the IMPOSSIBLE, UNSEEN and UNHEARD OF! As believers, this Faith manifests everything : frm the fisrt day we believed until when we wud finally join the elders at The Throne in worship. These three abideth Hope, Faith and Love. We need them to d end and in the end and past the end! (Even wif all our faith on our Gods given righteousness, no matter how sanctified we strongly believe we are, but we are still guessing or fantacising the place called Heaven, we might jst end up hanging in space on white gowns! With our crowns on our heads. Hehehe! Its like planning to travel on the 30th of February! Sounds absurd buh gv it a thot. You actually hv to trust (have faith in) God for Heaven. Jst few days back my mum asked me...How am I goin to knw I am sure Ild make this Heaven on the last day? and my reply was ... When, any time u think of the trumpet sounding anytime, u dont go father, have mercy, u are jst like yeah WITHOUT A SLIGHT SHAKE OF A NERVE! Mummy, u need to build up ur confidence in acknowledging this, its not a days practice of Faith. You need to keep this aspect of faith until when the judgement day is mentioned, and it sounds like just another day to u. You might think this is not an issue buh I ws jst wondering what Paul was talking about in Romans 10:6-7 about Faith and Heaven. Its like what d Scriptures says in Hebrews 11:6 :You must blv dat God IS, so uld b able to come to Him. You cant sit, until u are able to SEE dat a seat is there. Faith in the life of the believer, is like, the light in a beautiful palace - take d lights off and theres NOTHING AT ALL to look at! Its like taking d seat off underneath u. Lyk Peter in the sea wif Jesus. Imagine if while sitted up there in Heaven, and suddenly, u jst looked around and doubted if its true u wer at last sitted together wif Jesus. I jst imagine ur seat sinking thru d clouds and there u go screaming as u fall with ur seat ryt under ur bottom! the time u land on the ground, u might hv regained faith and mayb Micheal wud come to ur rescue! Hahahahaha! What I aim to do with dis post is : make someone think a lil bit further about what Faith is... To see beyond Faith-is-believing-you-already-have-something-b4-it-appears-physically. FAITH...theres more to it! Often time, I have tried to make dis message clearer to me.... It jst end up giving me headache and not enough English words to express the message as it is in my spirit. So I pray the Holy Spirit guides u into this Truth! Amen! Be blessed!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 22:52:29 +0000

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