FAITH IS … (PART 7) It is very important that we understand - TopicsExpress


FAITH IS … (PART 7) It is very important that we understand this lesson on Faith; because the very essence of your spiritual growth depends on it. It will change your whole perspective of the Word of God. The stress of ministry will be removed. As sons of God, we don’t have to psyche ourselves up to believe anything. All we have to do is believe in the Christ who lives within. It is His Faith that is doing the work and living the life in earthen vessels. We simply have to agree with Him and not seek our own routes or ways. If you are to comprehend the things of God, you will need to understand that FAITH IS A DISPENSATION. In other words, it is the method by which God is dealing with His people in this age. Paul told the church at Galatia, “BUT BEFORE FAITH CAME, WE WERE KEPT UNDER THE LAW, SHUT UP UNTO THE FAITH WHICH SHOULD AFTERWARDS BE REVEALED,” (Galatians 3:23). This means that Faith goes beyond our ability to believe God. The old patriots believed the spoken Word of God, but they did not live in the dispensation of faith. BUT THE SCRIPTURE HATH CONCLUDED ALL UNDER SIN, THAT THE PROMISE BY FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST MIGHT BE GIVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVE, (Galatians 3:22). Faith for this dispensation is that which is given to us by the Father. He knew that our human faith just might not be sufficient for the trials ahead. Thus, before Christ suffered His passion; knowing the affect it would have on Christ and the other disciples, He spoke to Peter saying, BUT I HAVE PRAYED FOR THEE, THAT THY FAITH FAIL NOT: AND WHEN THOU ART CONVERTED, STRENGTHEN THY BRETHREN (St. Luke 22:32). I am sure you can identify with this trend of thought. When we do not walk after the Spirit, there are days in which circumstances, situations, and relationships cause us to doubt or waver in our belief and trust. But if in fact, walking in and after the Spirit places our walk back inside the life of Christ, then it also follows that the life we live now, we live by the FAITH of Jesus Christ; which is the HOLY GHOST. Mary Banks: Be Ye Perfect (Destroying Any Mindset That Exalts Itself About The Knowledge of God) MORE TO COME!!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 03:54:37 +0000

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