FAITH IS POWER James Ryle – Rylisms Jesus said, “If you had - TopicsExpress


FAITH IS POWER James Ryle – Rylisms Jesus said, “If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” (Matthew 17:20, NLT) Faith is a power. It is the nitroglycerin of the Kingdom. Just a single drop, no bigger than a mustard seed (i.e., a tiny speck in the palm of a hand), can move mountains. And why is this? Because faith moves God — it is one thing He delights most to see active in our hearts. And when He finds faith at work, He is moved to do His great and extraordinary work in us and through us. Yes, Faith is a power. It can move mountains, stop the mouths of lions, conquer kingdoms and raise the dead. But, sometimes its power wanes, in the same manner that the tides of the sea ebb and flow. Some days our faith is strong and unflappable; but on other days it needs strengthening. Jesus prayed for Simon Peter that his faith fail not. Sometimes Faith fails; its steps become uncertain and halting. For this reason, Faith must always have a renewable source of energy; a never failing supply of invigorating strength to bolster it when it is close to tapping out. That one unfailing source is LOVE. Not even Hell itself in all its unleashed hatred can rock a man or woman who is rooted and grounded in the unfailing Love of God. Though Faith may fail, and Hope falter under the relentless blows of continued misfortune — Love never fails. Now abides Faith, Hope, and Love — and the greatest of these is Love. (1Corinthians 13:13) Father God, strengthen our faith when we become weak. Infuse us with that energy that can only come from Your love. This we pray in Jesus name. And the saints said … Amen and Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 10:43:33 +0000

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