FAITH, THE WORD OF GOD, AND THE CENTURION In the Review and - TopicsExpress


FAITH, THE WORD OF GOD, AND THE CENTURION In the Review and Herald on December 6, 1898, Alonzo Jones wrote In order to be able to know what the Scripture means when urging upon us the necessity of cultivating faith, it is essential to know, first of all, what is faith. Plainly, it must be to little purpose to urge upon a person the necessity of cultivating faith, while that person has no intelligent idea of what faith is. And it is sadly true that, though the Lord has made this perfectly plain in the Scriptures, there are many church-members who do not know what faith is. They may even know what the definition of faith is, but they do not know what the thing is. They do not grasp the idea that is in the definition. For that reason the definition will not be touched now, but rather there will be cited and studied an illustration of faith - an instance which makes it stand out so plainly that all can see the very thing itself. Faith comes by the word of God. To the Word, then, we must look for it. One day a centurion came to Jesus and said to him, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof, but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. When Jesus heard it, he marveled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. Matthew 8:6-10. There is what Jesus pronounces faith. When we find what that is, we have found faith. To know what that is, is to know what faith is. There can be no sort of doubt about this, for Christ is the Author . . . of faith, and He says that that which the centurion manifested was faith - yes, even great faith. Where, then, in this is the faith? The centurion wanted a certain thing done. He wanted the Lord to do it. But when the Lord said, I will come and do it, the centurion checked Him, saying, Speak the word only, and it shall be done. Now what did the centurion expect would do the work? The word ONLY. Upon what did he depend for the healing of his servant? Upon the word ONLY. Now, brother, sister, what is faith? The book, The Great Controversy quotes the Bible over 1,000 time and Prophecy Made Easy quotes God’s Word hundreds of times. Seek to do the work of the seed sower, the work of faith, and reap rewards “according to your work.” Your work is not to convert hearts, your work is to sow the seed that will do the work of converting hearts. “Sow sparingly, reap sparingly.” Revelation 2:23; Matthew 13:3-8; He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6. SOW THE SEEDS WHICH POSSESS THE POWER OF CONVERSION (BOOKS AND TRACTS FILLED WITH GOD’S ALL POWERFUL WORD) - ALL MEN OF FAITH LEARN TO LOVE TO SHARE THE SEEDS OF FAITH, THE BOOKS, THE TRACTS, AND THE BIBLE STUDIES KNOWING THAT THE POWER IS IN THE WORD! – DO YOUR PART IN DISTRIBUTION AND LET THE WORD OF GOD DO ITS PART IN CONVERSION. “The results of the circulation of The Great Controversy are not to be judged by what now appears. By reading it, some souls will be aroused, and will have courage to unite themselves at once with those who keep the commandments of God. But a much larger number who read it will not take their position until they see the very events taking place that are foretold in it. The fulfillment of some of the predictions will inspire faith that others also will come to pass, and when the earth is lightened with the glory of the Lord, in the closing work, many souls will take their position on the commandments of God as the result of this agency.”-- {CM 128.4} Join Great Controversy Project and purchase and distribute this marvelous book super economically! -- https://facebook/groups/186755384854355/ (1) JOIN GREAT CONTROVERSY PROJECT (2) PURCHASE THE GREAT CONTROVERSY IN BULK (for less than a dollar in bulk) (a) - I spoke to Steve at the old Review and Herald 800-600-7197 and he says they will ship a box of 48 of the Great Controversy books for $50.93 (including postage) anywhere there is a USA zip code - Even the virgin Islands, Alaska, or Hawaii 1-800-600-7197 (smaller print = more books in a case - 48 to a case) (b) I also spoke with Harvestime books 844-777-1844 and their price (their Great Controversy has a little larger print and picture of the World with flags and 3 angels) is $53 including shipping and insurance for a case of 32 books. Overseas the books are the same 98 cents from Harvestime books plus shipping or (Larger print= easier reading = less books per case - 32 to a case) I prefer this larger - normal print size). (c) Remnant Publications - sharethegreatcontroversy/ 649 E. Chicago Rd, Coldwater, MI, 49036, Telephone: 517- 279 -1304 ( I dont know print size but believe it is the larger - normal print size) (3) SELL OR GIVE THIS BOOK ON GOD’S LAST WARNING MESSAGE as presented in Revelation 14 and in Revelation 18. Click here and read chapter 38 from The Great Controversy preparingforeternity/gc/gc38.htm – “God’s Final Warning. Do your part, sow the seed and let the word do its part and convert the heart. (4) READ THE WHOLE BOOK in several languages at prophecymadeeasy or at (5) SHARE THIS POST - VIA FACEBOOK AND HIGHLIGHT, COPY AND PASTE THIS INTO YOUR EMAILS (via bcc -blind carbon copy) mail it to yourself in the primary address area and put everyone else in bcc so as to protect their email addresses) At the bottom of the post of Facebook click on the word “share” and then the word “public” -- this post will then appear on your timeline. If you receive this in email just forward it to everyone, please! -- Thank you and I will look forward to meeting you in heaven as everlasting friends. Read my book – God’s last warning in Easy English! prophecymadeeasy If you want a hard copy get it from the Adventist Book Center (ABC) or from Amazon
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 04:03:25 +0000

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