FAITH TO LIVE YOUR DREAMS Dreaming without doing is folly. - TopicsExpress


FAITH TO LIVE YOUR DREAMS Dreaming without doing is folly. Doing what you dream is wise. But not many fulfill their dreams. Countless spend half of their lives telling others what they are going to do and the other half explaining why they never did it. Not many live their dreams, the reason is, their dreams are without life - a lifeless dream is a useless none workable imagination. The life of your dream is in your faith in the dream. Unbelief kills dreams. When there is faith for your dream, there is enough life in it to cause it to come to pass, no matter what the circumstances may be. To live your dream, you must be fully convinced that it is not impossible. No impossible dream has ever entered the heart of man. If it is dreamable, it is doable! What you believe determines what you can do. The Bible says that you can do all things through Christ (Philipians 4:13); youre sufficient in Gods sufficiency (2 Corinthians 3:5). Believe you can do it, and youll do it. You can be one of the worlds thousands of disappointments, or one of its few success. What you believe determines what you become. Chasing a dream you believe you cannot achieve, is a share waste of time, energy and creativity, it is like running a race in shoes that dont fit. How To Keep Your Dream Alive 1. Keep looking at it: What you focus your eyes on, you magnify. When faced with a challenge, if your focus is on the problem, it will grow so big, discourage you, and might even destroy you. Keep your focus on the solution and youll have no problem solving the problem. A man with a dream is like a pregnant woman - he is expecting. When you are expecting, be careful not to get discouraged, because if you get discouraged, you might miscarriage your expectation. Faith is dead to doubt, deaf to discouragement, blind to impossibilities. Keep your gaze on the big picture, thats what faith does. Write your dream or vision down (Habakkuk 2:2), make it plain, and keep looking at it. Keep it fresh in your heart and mind. It is as we look that we are changed into the same image (2 Corinthians 3:18). 2. Keep saying it: You live what you say. Your words create your world. Your life can never be better than your faith, and your faith can be better than your words. It is a principle of life. Jesus said that if you believe what you say, youll have exactly what you say (Mark 11:23). Youre the prophet of your own life. Prophecy good and not doom. Speak what is in consonant with Gods mind concerning your dream. Dont speak doubt, speak faith. When you speak doubt filled words or negative words over your dream, you squeeze the life of that dream out, making it impossible to live; when you speak faith filled words over it, no matter how dry it may be, it will live. the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. (Habakkuk 2:3) Life and death is in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Keep your dreams alive with your words, dont kill it. 3. Keep acting your faith: Dont just read, run with it in faith (Habakkuke 2:2, 4) Faith is like the wind - it cannot be seen, only its evidence. The evidence of faith is corresponding action. If for instance, your dream is to win 2000 souls to Christ in the space of 3 years, and you spend most of your time and money on things not consistent with your dream, you dont really believe in it, and youll never live your dream. Faith is belief in action. Where there is faith, there is an unwavering commitment to bring the object in focus to manifestation. If you cant commit to its fulfillment, that is proof positive that your heart has no faith in it. For what you believe in, you invest your best in. Dream BIG! Its not a crime. There is no punishment for dreaming big. Dream big! Then believe BIG! Let the size of your faith be bigger than your dream. Dont be afraid of failure; there is no failure with a believer - all things are possible to him who believes (Mark 9:23)
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:20:39 +0000

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