FAITHBOOKING FAITH - ..The question that every man, or woman, - TopicsExpress


FAITHBOOKING FAITH - ..The question that every man, or woman, should ask themselves is does God consider their faith, to be faith? This is not a silly question, but rather a very profound and provocative one. For if God does not consider your faith, faith, then do you have it? See many, and I stress the word many, people believe themselves to have something that biblically speaking, they do not. This error then is easily seen in scripture, if we but take a minute to look at Gods word. Because in truth, the only faith that God views as faith, is a completed and or perfected faith. This is seen in the greek word (teleioo) in regards to Abraham, and his faith, as recorded in the book of James. James 2:22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was made perfect. The word made perfect in James 2:22 is the greek word (teleioo) and is defined in Vines expository dictionary as, to bring to an end by completing or perfecting. Thus we can see that what God considers true faith to be, is a completed, and or, finished faith. Let me explain! Lets say you had all the ingredients for a great chocolate cake, and perhaps you even opened them up, and then began to mix them together, do you have a cake yet? No, of course not, because even if you put eggs in a cake mix, until it is stirred, and put in the oven to bake, all you have is batter! Therefore not really a cake at all, because it was never completed or finished. Likewise one could use the illustration of building a house, as you could have all the material needed for a house, even delivered to a jobsite, but if it was never built, would it be considered as a, house? And could you sell it as a, house? Again, of course not! Therefore like with a cake, and like with a house, if divine faith is not completed, or perfected, by both action, and obedience, it is not, as far as God is concerned, really faith at all, but rather only the beginnings of something. Therefore the next time you think of faith, think, of its very definition, otherwise you may be only battering around what you think real faith is, in your head ;) ..
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:48:39 +0000

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