FAKE VIDEO NOT A UFO!!!! PLEASE READ BEFORE SHARING VIDEO!!! PLEASE DO NOT POST THIS VIDEO WITHOUT MY DISCLAIMER ATTACHED OR I WILL ADDED IT TO COMMENTS ON THIS VIDEO I dont like to call people out who are just trying to look for answers but after last night I feel this guy needs a little attention. Recently I was sent a link to this guy named Steven Barone. He goes by the Las Vegas UFO Hunter Searching for Evidence on YouTube. First off he is not at all related to the group that has been out here for years called The Las Vegas UFO Hunters. They I actually have respect for, as Alex Podovich does a great job. No this guy is something else entirely. In this field I try to keep an open mind to everyone as everyone is entitled to their opinions and theories. However, when you call members of MUFON out who respond to your videos as planes and trust me I have my own opinion about MUFON as an organization. On top of that, I look at your videos and without a doubt can tell they are helicopters and planes. That is not the kicker. When you post videos on YouTube and then people try leave comments explain what you are seeing, then because those comments dont agree you either deleter or disable the comments all together. Well that is going to trigger a response from me. I dont normal post a video from such fakes as I dont want to give this guy anymore attention then he deserves now I think as this video has started showing up all over the web it needs to be addressed. I will actually call him out on my radio show as well Friday night so people can be made aware. I am sure he will spin it as the government is trying to suppress the truth but really dude check out my story before you even start that crap with me. Anyway the video below is taken in Vegas. He lives west of the strip about 10-12 miles. Between him and the Stratosphere is the North Las Vegas Boulevard. This is just one of many of the same videos he post from every night. We have on average 7-10 helicopters that circle the strip giving tours. The come around the Stratosphere and make there way south down the strip and come back. Also, we have anywhere from 5-8 helicopters coming in from the East that are returning from the Grand Canyon tours. We also have, specifically on Friday when this was recorded, a lot of air traffic landing at McCarreen Airport. The small commercial private planes come in from the North (Stratosphere) and make their way south to McCareen. The larger planes can be seen in the distance turning on the navigation front light beacon as they line up for approach. In this video you can clearly see the faint lights of red coming from the so called UFOs as well as the flashing transponder lights below. How anyone can get a UFO from this video is beyond me. Not even close. I have lived out here for a while and does this guy really think that every night UFOs can hover over down town Vegas and he is the only one picking them up on video. Does he think with the number of tour helicopters in the air the fact the not one of them have report a UFO weird. Of the fact that with thousands of people on the strip taking photos of the casinos no one else has caught one. Maybe it is because they are freaking planes and helicopters dude! I dont normally take someone down like this but this guy has one motive and that is to drive traffic to his YouTube account and fake people. He has no respect for the field of Ufology, he has no respect for others who post comments to explain what he is seeing and he certainly has no respect for those that are looking for answers. He is looking for his 15 minutes of fame as well as a TV deal. I should also note that Nellis Base is 10 miles behind the Stratosphere. This guys says he is seeing UFOs every night. Do you really think with Area 51 90 miles away and Nellis right around the corner that if these were Alien craft that the base wouldnt scramble fighters for an intercept. Plus, if you are serious about finding the truth why would disable the comment section of your videos. Well, unless you dont want the truth and are just interested in propagating traffic to your page for financial gain. I cant even begin to describe how I hate people like this in the field. So do me a favor share the heck out of this post and let us get this guy kicked off YouTube, blacklisted within the UFO community or at least make everyone aware of his fake videos before, which I am already seeing, certain people with UFO websites get hooked and loose credibility in the field as well. Again, I dont normally post fake crap like this but strongly feel after a fourth video I commented on as well as others has once again had their comments disabled. That just goes to show he has no interest in the truth and just wants the attention. Well Mr. Steven Barone Las Vegas UFO Hunter Hoaxer. You want attention, you have mine and it might now be what you were looking for. Tune in Friday as I will also blast him at the start of my show. Please if you have a Facebook group or website take down his crap, ban him from your group as all he will do is continue to post helicopters and now he has stared replaying that the crafts have a way to cloak themselves like planes. Please keep this guy as far away from Ufology as you can. He truly has issues and is doing a huge disservice to everyone in the field. In light and love...Tina Marie Caouette host of Restricted Airspace on KDWN 720 AM in Las Vegas. youtu.be/xetD4ZLI7Vw
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:19:41 +0000

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