FAKING NEWS II Frustrated of being ignored in the elections, - TopicsExpress


FAKING NEWS II Frustrated of being ignored in the elections, Manmohan Singh to fight from Varanasi as independent candidate Delhi. The feeling of constantly being ignored in the Lok Sabha elections has finally taken a toll on the patience of incumbent Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. Unable to take it anymore where his existence is being ignored like Advani’s ambitions, Dr. Singh has declared that he will fight Lok Sabha elections from Varanasi as an independent candidate. Dr. Singh, who has been publicly holding the PM’s chair for last 10 years, is probably first Prime Minister who has appeared so irrelevant in debates and discussions around Lok Sabha elections. “I mean, leave media, even my party members are behaving as if I don’t exist at all. I do not even remember the last time when I gave any interview or people talked about me in context of the upcoming elections,” said an emotional Manmohan Singh, while announcing his candidature from Varanasi. “Instead they are talking about Modi, as if Modi had been running the country for 10 years!” he added. Congress high command was initially reluctant to allow Manmohan Singh to fulfill his political fantasy, but considering what he did for the family party in the last 10 years, they agreed. As per sources, Sonia Gandhi was overheard saying, ‘Jao Mannu ji jao, jee lo apni zindagi.’ Manmohan’s decision of selecting Varanasi as battleground is being seen as a well-thought-out plan to catch media attention. But unlike many other candidates who are standing from Varanasi just to defeat Modi, Manmohan’s soul aim is to tell the world who he really is. “I, the neeli pagdi, am the Prime Minister, not this safed daadhi,” reiterated an angry Singh. Entrance of Manmohan Singh as independent candidate from Varanasi seat has further intensified the ground situation in the holy city. If election experts are to be believed, Manmohan Singh could be a dark horse in the ongoing battle. “Currently, he is like a man freed after years of repression, so he can easily connect with the deprived classes and castes. He’s highly educated, so even the upper classes could support him. He is symbolizing a wave of change,” explained political analyst Gajendra Yadav. “And above that, just imagine the crowd that will arrive to hear Manmohan Singh speaking freely for the first time. I am sure that in his rallies people will come not only from Varanasi, but from different parts of the country, just to hear his unheard voice. Get ready for country’s largest political rally,” Mr Yadav added.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 08:12:35 +0000

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