FALLING OF WALLS OF JERICHO - JOSHUA 6. The children of Israel - TopicsExpress


FALLING OF WALLS OF JERICHO - JOSHUA 6. The children of Israel were ready to possess the land that God had promised them. They were done wandering in the wilderness, which they had done for 40 years. But their first obstacle was the great walled city of Jericho. Joshua, the leader of Israel, sent spies into Jericho to find out as much as they could about the city. The spies returned and Joshua began making plans.God appeared to Joshua one day and told him how to destroy the city. God’s plan was that Joshua and his army would walk around the city of Jericho one time a day for six days. They would not say anything. On the seventh day they would walk around the city seven times. Joshua and the people of Israel followed God’s plan. Their final lap around the city the priests blew their trumpets and the people shouted. The walls of Jericho fell down flat and the people of Israel had a great victory. The instructions Joshua gave to the army of Israel and accompanying priests were very specific. For six days, they were to circle Jerichos walls one time without speaking. On the seventh, they were to circle seven times, blow trumpets and shout (Joshua 6:1-11).Theres a time to be silent and a time to shout. Knowing the difference may determine whether barriers stand or fall. Doing Gods work in Gods way will always accomplish Gods purpose. Their obedience to the plan of God helped them see the victory that they had been promised. Joshua obeyed the command to take the land. He followed God’s instructions in crossing the river. He obeyed God’s strange plan to defeat the city of Jericho. Though it did not always make sense, Joshua lead the people in obedience to God. As a result they saw great victories. The same case applies to us today. We must be ready to obey the voice of God always for us to be destiny achievers.If we become obedient, then we shall get to know that God keeps His promises.......God’s promises to us today are just as certain. They are just as unswerving. They are exceedingly great and wonderfully precious (Hebrews 6:11-18, 10:36; Colossians 3:24). We should learn that faith without works is dead (James 2:26). It is not enough to say, I believe God, and then live in an ungodly manner. If we truly believe God, our desire is to obey God. Our faith is put to work. We make every effort to do exactly what God says and keep His commandments. Joshua and the Israelites carried out the commands of God and conquered Jericho. God gave them victory over an enemy that was trying to keep them out of the Promised Land. So it is with us today: if we have true faith, we are compelled to obey God, and God gives us victory over the enemies that we face throughout life. Obedience is the clear evidence of faith. Our faith is the evidence to others that we truly believe in Him. We can conquer and be victorious through life by faith, a faith that obeys the God who gives us that faith as a free gift (Ephesians 2:8-9). Lets have a thoughtful evening, revise our ways of living, question our relationship with our Maker, and ask God to re-annoint us and lead our ways through and teach us to do His will and obey His commands!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 13:22:58 +0000

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