FALLING OVER CONTRADICTIONS By Karin Spraberry West February 15, - TopicsExpress


FALLING OVER CONTRADICTIONS By Karin Spraberry West February 15, 2014 at 9:52pm The world is falling over our contradictions! As Christians we walk around with Bible in check, we are at church whenever the doors are open, yet we rarely walk what we talk! We tend to exalt others sin as if it were worse than our own! We should all be thankful that God does not measure one sin over another! If He did, our judgements of others would be far worse than the sin we judged. The world watches our every move, they are searching for answers and we are only giving them more questions. They see us condemning a specific group of people, yet in the same breath we say our God is a God of love. We say the world is lost, but in many ways so are we! If we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, than why do we not listen to Him? God cares little about how many scriptures you quote. He cares about being a part of every aspect of your life. He wants a intimate, personal relationship with us! He wants to be involved in our decisions! If we started everyday with Him, maybe the world would not be misunderstanding who He is! We cause the world to be confused about a God that comes with no confusion. God is a very simple God, man causes confusion. The world has learned to run from anyone that says they are a Christian. Why does the world want to run from those who know God? I will tell you why, they believe that all Christians are hypocrites. Based on the words we speak, we are all hypocrites. We need to be honest and tell the world that we are human and we make mistakes. Being a Christian, does not make you inhuman. You receive a free gift and what you do with that gift is entirely up to you. Heres the problem: Too many Christians or those who call themselves Christians contradict their own words. They walk around as if they are mini Gods! Instead of exalting God, they use Him to exalt themselves. They are quick to point out what you are doing wrong, rarely acknowledging their own sin. They will use so much time and energy debating about God, that they forget to listen to Him. So many know about God, but very few actually know Him. These individuals will exalt the worlds sin in order to minimize their own. So many walk around with their heads so high in the clouds, they cant even see a hurting world around them. The church refuses to reach past its parking lots. The church is quick to condemn the world, yet it rarely reaches out to it. The church will even from the pulpit, condemn the worlds sin, yet not acknowledge its own. The church stays in this safe little bubble, rarely reaching beyond its safety. So many Christians will not even associate with a non Christian. They seem to think that the lost are beneath them. This mindset contradicts the very book that we all hold so dear. Jesus came as a servant to sinners! We say, What would Jesus do? Well I ask you now, What would Jesus do? Lets stop contradicting our God and follow Him! If you cant walk it, please do not talk it! We often quote John 3:16- For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Think about what this scripture is saying! God loved the world so much, that He used His own son as a sacrifice! He sent His Son to die on the cross for the worlds sin! Jesus did not die in vain, He died to save a very lost world. He gave us a free gift, that costs us nothing! If the God we profess to serve loved the world that much, shouldnt we love them too? When we quote John 3:16, we need to remember what John 3:17 says. John 3:17- For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. The biggest contradiction to John 3:17 is that so many Christians will literally condemn others! Again we must stop exalting others sin over our own. To judge a lost world for their sin, is being very ignorant of your own! We must all get our eyes off of others sin and deal with our own. It is time for Christians to be real with the world. We are not perfect, we sin daily, we fail God daily, we lose our temper, we make mistakes, we fall short always, but we are saved by grace. Our joy comes from a very forgiving and merciful God. Share the fact that even though you fail God daily, He still has mercy on us and loves us unconditionally. There is nothing we could ever do to cause God to stop loving us. It has always been our choice if we accept Him or not! He will not force Himself on you, but will gently call you. We are saved by grace, not by works. Salvation is a free gift for all, no one is excluded. All fall short and not one is worthy, but we were given a free gift. Jesus died for our sin and He paid the price. We are to share this amazing gift, not imply that we did anything special to receive it. Come on Christians, it is time to be real! You did nothing special to receive your gift from God and neither does the world. We all are loved and valued equally to God! To the world: It is man that fails, not God. God gave man free will and Christians are just a people that received a free gift. They are not valued more than you to God. God loves all people equally, not one has more value than another. Seek a personal relationship with Him on your own. You dont have to believe me. You take that first step and God will meet you right where you are! He loves you just as you are and there is nothing you have done or could do that will ever change that. Ask Him to show Himself to you and He will. My prayer today is that we all, Christians or not stop judging each other. I pray we can accept and love one another just as we are. None of us are perfect, so cant we just love each other? The God I serve is a God of Love! As Christians we are to walk in Love! Maybe if we all learn to look at the good in our fellow man, we would all be happier. The hate, discrimination, judgements, and abuse needs to stop. Just love your fellow man, let God deal with their sin. #Christianity #hypocrisy #contradictions #confusion #church #John316 #John317 #God #Jesus #falling #judgement #sin #BeReal #truth #evangelist #evangelism #Salvation #Truth #grace #saved #sin #love #grace #KarinSpraberryWest
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 17:52:33 +0000

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