FAMILY(TREE)TRUTH Room Monday, July 14, 2014 A luminous tree of - TopicsExpress


FAMILY(TREE)TRUTH Room Monday, July 14, 2014 A luminous tree of souls. Airborne spirits. The goddess Eywa. Theyre all part of the wondrous, richly rendered world of Avatar, which, beyond grossing a billion dollars in only 17 days and winning numerous awards, has prompted serious discussion of its spiritual imagery and worldview. Indeed, much like The Matrix or Star Wars before it, James Camerons big-screen adventure on the lush moon of Pandora advances spiritual concepts that are just as fantastic as its sci-fi premise. In this otherworldly tale of remotely controlled blue bodies, 10-foot-tall feline natives called the Navi pray to a world-brain connected to all living things, prompting the Vatican to lament, Nature is no longer a creation to defend, but a divinity to worship. Even New York Times op-ed writer Ross Douthat observed, Avatar is Camerons long apologia for pantheism—a faith that equates God with Nature, and calls humanity into religious communion with the natural world. Exactly what is pantheism? And how does that belief system compare to a biblical worldview? With Avatar breaking box-office records and exerting worldwide cultural influence, its worth taking a closer look at this Hollywood exports spiritual roots.Understanding Pantheistic MonismAvatar guides viewers through an awe-inspiring world characterized by pantheistic monism. From the Greek wordspan (all) and theos (God), we get pantheism. All is God. God is all. Pantheism fails to distinguish between creation and Creator, the temporal and eternal, the natural world and the supernatural. Meanwhile, monism refers to the belief that all of reality is one seamless, unified whole. Pantheistic monism asserts that reality is one … and the one is God. For the pantheist, distinctions in the world are apparent, not actual. Although his intellect or senses may tell him otherwise, reality to him is illusion, or non-being. Avatar isnt the first major motion picture set against a pantheistic backdrop. From Brother Bear and The Lion King toPocahontas and Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, the pantheistic, monistic worldview makes a convenient context for New Age plots that promote nature-worship, employ eastern mysticism or treat life as little more than energy flow.Could pantheism possibly be true? Could this oneness of everything and godhood of the cosmos be how things really are? The evidence says no. For starters, pantheism is counter-intuitive. If reality is so seamless and unified, why does life appear (as apologist C.S. Lewis recognized) so incorrigibly plural? Also, pantheistic monism claims that reason cant tell us about God and ultimate reality. So the pantheist has a problem. He has no choice but to use the tools of reason (words and their distinctive meanings) in order to dismiss rational objections to his beliefs, refute distinctions and deny the efficacy of reason. Furthermore, if a portion of reality is some type of illusion (and therefore, somehow less than ultimate reality), how may I be sure that you or I are not an illusion? Philosophically, pantheism implodes on itself.Heres another example of that views faulty logic: Pantheisms position that God is the all means that you and I would be deified. After all, we are part of that all, right? But if God is eternal and unchanging, why didnt I know I was God? And when I move from not knowing that I am God to accepting that I really am divine, why doesnt this shift compromise realitys seamless immutability? Also present in Avatar are hints of animism the belief that spirit or spirits are everywhere and in everything. The blue-hued Navi of Pandora (a color choice Cameron connects to Hindu deities) live in harmony with nature, communing with trees and enlisting loyal animals to assist in battle. Its unclear whether thats possible due to Eywas favor or simply because the Navi and the natural world share the same essence or spirit. Either way, Pandora pulsates with divine life. Pantheism and ChristianitySo how does all of this relate to the Christian worldview? In his book Miracles, Lewis wrote about pantheisms fundamental incompatibility with Christian theism. He notes that the theist distinguishes between the universe and the One who created it. For the pantheist, however, the universe and all of its contents are God, including you and me. Lewis asserts that pantheism almost invariably becomes the default position of the unconverted mind, and has only one really formidable opponent namely Christianity.Lewis documents that, throughout history, humans who didnt know the true God have lapsed into believing that they were Him. That fascination never seems to go away. It just gets a new coat of paint from the latest Hollywood blockbuster. Although published 50 years pre-Avatar, these words from Lewis have a prophetic ring to them: By a strange irony, each new relapse into this immemorial religion is hailed as the last word in novelty and emancipation.The apostle Paul was aware of pantheistic beliefs in the ancient world as well. In Romans 1:22-23 and 25, he condemns all forms of idolatry, including pantheism. Although they claimed to be wise, he wrote, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. … They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.Shaping Hearts and MindsToday, the human heart is still tempted to exchange Gods truth for a lie, especially when that luminous counterfeit is braided into the narrative of a fun popcorn flick. As Douthat explains, For anyone who pines for transcendence but recoils at the idea of a demanding Almighty who interferes in human affairs, [Avatar] is an ideal combination. Thats a real concern when you consider the emotional impact Avatar is having on some viewers. CNN recently reported that an online fan forum has received hundreds of posts from Avatar devotees deeply depressed because they cant actually visit the vibrant world of Pandora. One user, alluding to a scene in which the soul of a dying human crosses over, confessed, I even contemplate suicide thinking that if I do it I will be rebirthed in a world similar to Pandora and everything is the same as in Avatar. Why such obsession? Actor Stephen Lang, who portrays the films evil Marine colonel, suggests, Pandora is a pristine world, and there is the synergy between all of the creatures of the planet. And I think that strikes a deep chord within people that has a wishfulness and a wistfulness to it. Avatar is cinematic spectacle. Theres no denying it. The filmmakers deserve every accolade theyve received for setting a new bar for immersive imagery and 3-D technology. I even appreciate Camerons respect for the Navis strong spiritual roots. But all spirituality is not equal. Truth matters. Which is why it concerns me that inextricably woven into Avatars eye-popping sci-fi tapestry is an enchanting pitch for pantheism.How can I know the true God? focusonthefamily/faith/b Find FamilyRoom Reviews Show All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N OP Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9Category All Conversations Counsel & Commentary Media Discernment Modern Technology Youth Trends & Issues Share thisMOVIESVIDEOSMUSICTVGAMESBlogBooksCulture ClipsMovie NightsFamily Roomappsnewsletterfacebooktwitter En Español About UsContact UsSponsor UsDonate to UsPrivacy Policy/Terms of Use ©1999-2014 Focus on the Family (1-800-A-FAMILY)PLUGGED IN is a trademark and SHINING A LIGHT ON THE WORLD OF POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT is a service mar
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 07:14:59 +0000

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