FAMOUS OR INFAMOUS? Last Thursday, i was in Eldoret (the city of - TopicsExpress


FAMOUS OR INFAMOUS? Last Thursday, i was in Eldoret (the city of champions) on a mission to meet one of the senior Professors at Moi University to discuss the possibilities of a bilateral co-operative project between selected Kenyan universities and a German University, funded by the German Federal Ministry for International Co-operation, under the auspices of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft-the German Research Foundation.(You see, i was in Germany just the previous week and this is one of the goodies i came back with-it is not only son of Jomo and his government functionaries that can go abroad and come back with goodies !). So i chose a Thursday due to strategic reasons because i to listen to DJ Marto Sibuors Rhumba at club signature. The professor in question had decided to work at home that day, so he told me Daniel, dont go to the University, once you approach the town, alert me and i will come for you. I did exactly that. Once we arrived at his palatial home. He quickly gave instructions that my stuff be taken from my car to a house next to the main house. Then he ushered me into a two bed roomed house where my bag was already waiting:This is my guest week, and will be your abode for tonightd a big problem to . Ordinarily, i should have been very excited, but this presented a huge problem to me. I had earlier contacted my Bachelor friend, Daniel Wandera to take care of my nocturnal itinerary, and he had even reserved a room for me somewhere in town; now here the good old prof was already running the entire programme!. Being neither too clever nor too foolish, i kept my cool and we worked till about 10pm and had our sumptuous dinner. Then i chose the opportune moment when even the wife was in the room where we were and i struck: Prof. You know today is Thursday and i am in Eldoret. Being the intelligent fellow he is, that he is, he quickly understood my point and immediately told the wife it seems like Daniel wants to go and listen to Rhumba. Thus we each had our visas. At club signature, we were joined by another Professor and my Bachelor friend Wandera. As we were busy irrigating our throats amidst greatest Rhumba tunes on earth, a fellow walked in and caused a sudden stir.Everyone wanted to greet him and he wanted to greet everyone. Despite the place being so crowded, several people offered him not only their seats, but also bought him drinks instantly. To me , he looked nonchalant, pedestrian, lackadaisical and quite ordinary-the ilk that would hardly get my attention especially when am having intercourse with esteemed professors. He also came to our table and greeted us. Then i asked one of the ladies seated on the neighboring table (to be honest i had been looking for an opportunity to start talking to her, so dont ask me why i did not ask my professorial table mates!). She replied excitedly in heavy Kalenjin accent: kwani humjui? I was taken aback because if i knew the guy, i would not have asked. I then said: Simjui Unajua Sang? she continued. Even more confused, i said Sang yupi?. Kwani wewe unaishi wapi...hujui Sang yule wa ICC...yule alikuwanga Kass Fm?. I nodded, and said ooh yes huyo namjua. Basi huyu ni ndugu yake...he is very famous and popular, in fact atakua MCA next elections. Then then the linguist in me wondered: If he is the younger brother of an ICC indictee, facing charges of serious crimes against humanity, then how can he be famous, in other civilized societies he would be infamous. I glanced at his table and saw that within 10 minutes he had already more than 20 bottles of Guinness, bought by his admirers. It is then that a strange thought occurred to me : Should Bensouda decide to open up son of Jomos case once more when he will no longer be in power (lets say after 50 years-because contrary to popular belief, methinks he has not seen the last of the Gambian woman), i will pray to God that he indicts one of my very closest relatives so that i can also wallow in such ascribed fame or infamy as the case may be!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 07:45:17 +0000

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