[FANACC] 131117 SHINee Pre-recording at Inkigayo Goodbye Stage - TopicsExpress


[FANACC] 131117 SHINee Pre-recording at Inkigayo Goodbye Stage Part 1 [FANACC] 131117 SHINee Pre-recording at Inkigayo Goodbye Stage ~Minho: everyone!! Fans: yes!? Minho: ….. Fans: …. .Minho: ………. Fans: *laughs* Minho: umm let me think about it and get back to you ~when jonghyun was trying to test the mics at first to see if sound was coming out,he was singing something that sounded like lachata by f(x) ~the stage had long strings/ropes set up across it and jonghyun and minho started “playing” them like harps on opposite sides of the stage ~onew was standing in a massive light-up diamond onstage, it was so pretty and changed colors! *u* ~taemin and key both sat in onew’s diamond at different times and onew was grabbing their shoulders and pounding their backs and tapping them ~minho was so goofy today…i’m too tired to come up with a better explanation but hahaha omg minho u are so goofy hahah why ~jonghyun asked us if we had eaten so the fans yelled no and he told us we should just diet…..lmao….jeez ok XD ~onew walked right by us before the recording started and people didnt even notice right away XD but what was he doing in the stands LMAO?? ~wahh its the last show…saying goodbye to everyone was sad T____T see u all at the next shawol reunion XDDD three musketeers?? ~onew kept standing in his diamond with his face to the back wall, just staring. i think he was staring at himself in the reflective surface ~it was really cute because whenever the take was over a worker had to run and grab a little stool for onew to get down out of his diamond XD ~once in between takes onew didn’t get down and just waited onstage for the others to return. and he chatted with the fans in standingㅠㅠ♥ ~on standby minho was lying on his back and he kept raising his long legs in the air. fans screamed and jonghyun had to keep shushing us ~jjong shushed us bc standby has to be silent but when the music finally started he fake-cheered and gave us a look like “/NOW/ you can yell” ~jonghyun usually doesn’t spend too much time just waving at the fans, but he smiled and waved a lot today. maybe since this is goodbye T___T ~the fan behind me screamed “daesang gasu shinee fighting!!” when it was quiet so all the fans cheered and minho jumped around and posed hehe ~the fanstaff and pd kept encouraging us to cheer really loudly since it was the last day, but the fans all seemed just as tired as shinee XD ~we tried our best ♡ i was lightheaded from screaming haha ~i cant believe key wore his extensions again today!!! i cant believe i finally saw kibum with the long haaaiiirrrr!!!!!! ~key wore his hair extensions and the kickass jacket with one long half and one short half. he looked like a fricken boss. gahhh♡ ~jonghyun’s roots are starting to show a lot more than usual i think. i just kept noticing them and thinking damn boy go get a dye job ~The boys are in such AMAZING moods today!!! ~Jinki is on a platform behind Shinee today. Had a box boy who kept bringing him a box to get on and off. ~Minho wanted to do a heart during the shot bit but Jonghyun quickly vetoed that suggestion. ~Shinee actually did an introduction of us today! ~Shinee will be performing “1min back” today but recording with other groups so only 50 official fans will get in. ~Jinki was sitting on his platform waiting to start so Taemin jumped up to join him and Jinki back huged him. ~The next take Kibum sat on the platform with Jinki and Jinki actually held him really close. The rest came to joke around. ~Minho at the end of the recording actually got on the floor and bowed! Jinki did too but standing. Precious boys are always last. ~Minho introduced the backup dancer with them and wanted us to chant his name. He was so embarrassed and Taemin tried to get him to speak too ~There was mirrors behind Jinki so when he first got up he was making faced at himself in the mirror. ~Minho wanted to say something and addressed us “Shinee World” but theb forgot so just shook his head and turned around. ~While Taemin and Jinku were sitting thet also went side to side too like the transformer bit. Jinki had such a massive smile! ~Jinki decided to just sit on stage while the others ran off. He tried to talk but his mic was turned off so he talked to himself and wave ~Minho would lie on the ground and kepy kicking his legs in the air randomly waiting to start. ~About 500 fans there today…. our fanchant should be really loud I hope! ~When Key and Jinki sat together Minho started doing like a really sassy ver of WSS. Key thought it was the funniest thing laughing loud. ~Jinki came out before recording start and walked by everyone only giving one wave and bowing to all of the staff. ~Different balloons today! Shinee World #1!!! pic.twitter/6pn40sIVhS ~Key was really focused on his dancing. He kept dancing little bits before he was told to stand by. ~Also….. Minho is a ham. It amuses me greatly….. ~Minho was doing his flying spins again…. no idea why but it has become his thing. ~There were strings hanging down from the set and Jonghyun started to play them like a harp. Not to be left out Minho joined on the otherside ~Key missed this action and so when he came on stage he looked confused why the ropes were moving and held them still. ~Jinki was at the side watching a camera angle woith a PD laughing at something on the screen. He and the PD get along well. ~Jinki’s dancing is getting more dramatic and intense everytime I see him. He will be dancing at SM Week I am sure :) ~Jonghyun and Key were waving to the fans a lot. They don’t usually but all in such good moods. ~Fans mentioned Shinee winning the daesang and they all seemed to have more engery after. ~I should go home but I don’t wanna….. can I teleport instead? credit:Ezri Nott
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 02:58:13 +0000

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