FANI-KAYODE AND ISRAELI/PALESTINIAN CONFLICT I just read Femi Fani-Kayodes opinion about the raging Israeli/Palestinian conflict. My take is that we all need to take a dispassionate voyage into why certain things are happening around the world so as not to misled or brainwashed. If FFK is so excited about what the Bible says about the Children of Israel or the concepts of Abrahamic free born and slave children, then his education and supposed polished upbringing are a complete shambles. Being a Christian, he should first and foremost be on the side of equality and justice. He is not expected to revel in the adversity of a nation of people under the cosh of a conspiracy theory that keeps them prisoner in their own strictly defined but significantly abridged territory. The State of Israel founded in the 1947 is a compensation package devised by the European axis victors of world war II for genocidal persecution of Jews by the Nazis. The world pursued truth and justice by uniting to fend off the Nazis but soon shed those virtues by forcefully entrenching a Jewish nation in a region that they truly hail from but in which a gradual process of integration and engagement with their Arab Brothers would have been more sensible and enduring. The truth was evident but the United Nations bear the pierced conscience of persistently not following the path of truth and reconciliation in the conflicts that have become a recurring decimal. In my opinion, the Palestinians appear to be the most defenceless people on the surface of the earth. You tend to look in askance and then think of the rockets they fire, the rocks they hurl and their suicide bombings. But if you look at it critically, Israel gets more that $3.5 billion in military aid annually from the U.S in order to cow the Palestinians into submission. How anyone would deliberately hold these facts in abeyance is baffling. Muslim reaction to the previous and recent bombardments while quite understandable is rather to be viewed by me as not only tame but also hypocritical. The first nation to challenge Israels emergence in the Middle East is Egypt under the leadership of Gamal AbdulNaseer. When the Arab nations that United to confront Israel were trounced, the United States soon wooed Egypt, the Arab nation that is best blessed with the intellectual and military clout in the region. In a jiffy, the united Arab resistance melted. Egypt now gets a cool $1.5 dollars military and economic aid from the U.S annually, the most after Israel. Many fronline Arab nations lapsed into an habit of muteness and indifference to the oppression of Palestine. So long as the United States will tolerate their dictatorship and corruption, Palestine takes back seat. These are issues the Muslim world should contemplate when displaying sympathy to the people of Palestine, a sizeable number of whom are Christians. To my Christian readers who feel that as long as the Bible is replete with choice stories about how God vows to favour and protect the Children of Israel over and above other nations, Israel can do no wrong, I urge you to think again and seek knowledge of the complexity of the region, its people and its future. Lord Jesus was born in BETHLEHEM. That city is in Palestinian territory with a 30% Christian population. Lord Jesus is sometimes called Jesus of Nazareth (referring to his hometown). That town is also found today in Palestinian territory. In fact there are more Christian Palestinians than the total number of Christians living in Israel. It is therefore not an issue that anyone will blindly take a side in the conflict. It is a grave humanitarian issue that should strike the heart of all humanity.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 13:51:48 +0000

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