FANTASTIC NEWS ABOUT MY MOTHER DARLENE HAMMERSMITH-BEFORT-MATTAS! My mother Darlene Ann (Hammersmith) (Befort) Mattas is so very happy that I am looking for members of OUR Family Tree, ROOTS, FOUNDATION: Hammersmiths, Quints, Beforts, Steinbucks, Sanders, Beckers, Whitmans, Schmidtbergers, etc. that its even encouraging her to try to walk all over again! Mom told me today that she even stood for a little on her own and took a couple of steps with assistance today at the Nursing Home. As long as she makes some sort of forward progress; they have to keep her going to physical therapy, otherwise no improvement and its cut completely. Anything that helps her make positive progress is so worth everything to me! If anyone here is a descendant of the following people--you are a relative and I would love to connect with you. Please read my info About Me page, then send a friends request or message me so we can share great stories and memories. My Great Uncles are: Leo (Joe), Albert, Clarence, Isadore, Herb, Selly, Eugene (Gene), and my Aunt are Katie, Bridget, and Sarah Hammersmith. My Grandpa is Alphonse their brother! If you are a Descendant then you are a Relative and a member of my Family tree, family history, and a part of my roots! On my grandmas side Silverina Quint, her siblings Rosie, Phyllis, Andy, and John are MY Great Aunts and if you are a Descendant you are a relative! This is just one side of the tree, and so in short please send me a message, comment, or friends request or take time to look at the old photos and leave feedback to help us connect with our FAMILY roots. The Hammersmiths and Quints as I remember from my childhood were a warm-hearted, fun-loving, sincere and caring group of people. FAMILY meant everything to them and I cant imagine those values changing so much over the years that people stop caring about who they are or where they come from. Heritage, family history and geneology, the roots of our tree mean more as we become older. Strong willed Christian people with high morals, great values, and lots of love is what I remember about my roots!!! NOBODY CAN EVER TAKE THAT AWAY! i LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU. I hope you will continue to share this for me on your own pages. Maybe by doing so, we will find people who can share great wisdom to continue to walk with grace. God Bless you all Sincerely & lovingly From my heart to yours Margaret Mae (Befort)Heart Thank you!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 18:19:52 +0000

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