FANTASTIC story here... There is a certain restaurant here - TopicsExpress


FANTASTIC story here... There is a certain restaurant here (away) that we frequent. We have gotten to know most everyone there including, more recently, the owner. Patrick knows well a big real estate developer here and one day he just happened to notice him eating at the same restaurant. So Patrick went over to say hi and the man introduced us both to the gentlemen he was eating with. The other three men, as it turns out, were 1) the owner of the restaurant, 2) the Admiral of the Mexican military, and 3) the General of the Mexican military. As Patrick spent time away from the table speaking with his old friend, I (of course, hahaha) introduced myself to the other three men in, less formal, Kentucky Kim fashion. I did my best to talk sloooowly so they could try to understand me (sometimes not easy for even people with perfect English). Anyway, I told them how I emphatically LOVE God, HATE Obuma, and CHERISH my friends and family. I think they liked me because they didnt shoot me or anything. lololol Now this happened a few weeks ago.. so fast forwarding to about 5 or 6 days ago, at the same restaurant, we ran into the owner of the restaurant again. We had since heard from other people that this restaurant owner is a very wealthy, highly influential, and politically involved/connected guy that is widely known as being kind of no nonsense. We were sitting at the bar talking with one of our other good friends we had met that was bartending that day. We were once again begging for information about where we might find a bible written in Spanish.. to no avail. Sad because we have to drive about 60 miles round trip from where were staying (VERY small town) each time an effort is made to go find a bible for the people there. As we sat making our inquiries, we found ourselves sitting next to the owner of the restaurant. He found himself IN BETWEEN us and an older gentleman that we were also asking about where we might find a bible. In the meantime, the owners son came by to talk to his dad and the dad introduced his son to us. Turns out his son originally went to BYU. I found it interesting that he went to BYU but wasnt Mormon. I asked him if he got worked over by them and he laughed and said, HARD!. I congratulated him on his power of resistance. hahaha We also, shortly thereafter, met the mans wife and his mother.. which we had actually met several times before. I gave them each Fathers Love Letters.. again. lolololol I spent some time speaking with the mans mother (shes hilarious and a lovely woman). I thought it was so cool to hear that she had come to this place on her honeymoon, like 60 years ago, and her and her husband decided to stay.. and never left. While I was speaking to the mother, Patrick came by and paid a mariachi band to play for her and I. You know me... I jumped right in and not only sung along with them, but sang louder..... and didnt have a CLUE what the words to the songs were... hahhaha Patrick had gone back over to where the owner of the restaurant and the old man were. Again, the restaurant owner found himself in between Patrick and the old man... having no choice but to be part of the conversation. The owner FINALLY decided he wanted to help us (we later found out he is not a practicing Believer, by any stretch). So he yells out to his manager and assistant manager asking them if either has a bible. When they said no.. he yelled, Tus Diablos! (You Devils!) lolololololol The old man that originally seemed to have NO interest in helping began taking an interest. He asked what religion we are. Patrick explained no religion, just personal relationships, and he got more interested. The old man began whispering to the restaurant owner, still seated between he and Patrick. The restaurant owner then looked at Patrick and said, He has a bible he wants to give you and Kimberly. The man walked Patrick all over town introducing him to all his friends before finally making it to his house to give up the precious cargo. (important to know that neither of the restaurant managers were aware of what was going on, nor had they heard until... below) Fast forward to YESTERDAY.. and where the FANTASTICness of God comes in waves. Were back at the same restaurant. We are speaking to the assistant manager as we were leaving. We were inviting him to church with us this Sunday. As we were speaking, the general manager heard us and approached. He said the weirdest thing had happened the day before. The owner, not within his normal character, found himself listening to a bible salesman that had come into his restaurant (this never happens either, apparently). The manager told us that somehow word must have gotten out that people were in need of bibles. Anyway, the owner of the restaurant SHOCKED everyone around him by asking to buy all the bibles the man had. The manager asked why... his wife asked why... he said, People NEED bibles!!! We were told everyone was just standing there dumbfounded. The owner had a BIG trip planned, leaving the following day (yesterday, the day of this conversation). He was flying to San Diego, Denver, down to Mexico City, and other places that would take 3 weeks until his return. As we were told, he CHANGED his plans! He would only be gone for 3 DAYS. Everyone asked why he was rushing back (hes not a man that does that sort of thing). He said he wanted to put the bibles in all of his hotel rooms and behind the bars of his restaurants, etc. They said, cant it wait a few weeks, weve gone years and years without bibles, we think another couple weeks wont hurt anything. The owner got a distressed look on his face. WHAT IF SOMEONE needs a bible in these next two weeks? What if a bible and someone coming to hear Gods words keeps them from maybe killing themselves???!?!? So the manager/wife/etc. said, okay, we can put the bibles in the places you requested for you and you dont have to change your plans. The owner said, No, I want to do it myself, its important to me. God is Good. God is on the MOVE. Praise God that He still meets our call. Dios la bondega! Bendito Jesus!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:53:03 +0000

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