FAQ: Will Cheyenne have a love interest in book 2? Possibly! Here - TopicsExpress


FAQ: Will Cheyenne have a love interest in book 2? Possibly! Here is Chapter 1 from Blood Moon: St. Clair Vampires, Book 2 Havent read book 1 yet? Get it today! buff.ly/1wdca9U buff.ly/1wdcc1v buff.ly/1z6pPzc THE WEDDING From the doorway I watched the Stewards dress Tabitha and Violeta. The pair of them were the most beautiful brides I had ever seen and we were minutes away from their double ceremony. The past few weeks had flown by, but I had learned a lot; more than in all of my 18 years. It was fair to say that, even with my knowledge of American history, my new vampire life had a history of its own. For instance, marriage in human society was far different than one in Vampire society. For starters, it wasn’t called a marriage, it was a Jugo, which meant to merge together as one. For Vampires, separation and divorce were nonexistent. Each member of the Jugo was called a Par; meaning peer or equal. A Vampire union was a permanent and evenly balanced joining of two beings until the end of their lives. The ceremony or Solemnis (so lea m knee) was more ritual than wedding; the Pars would exchange blood as well as vows. Their Fare would also take part in the Solemnis because they would gain the extra responsibility of feeding another Vampire. For a Fare, two royal patrons was like hitting the mother lode. We were back on Sanguine Fare island because the guest list alone was too suspicious to escape human notice. Their Solemnis was said to have had more RSVPs than the Ludos. We had to account for three royal families and all of their clan members as well as the remaining two royal families who were coming to pay their respects. In the next few hours the entire power structure was going to change with the St. Clairs clearly and securely on top. As I thought about the responsibility of that position, I wasn’t sure if that as a good thing or not. The pace in the room was fast to say the least. The Fare, having fed their respective Vampires, had retired to their family homes for a bit of rest and relaxation before the Solemnis. The Stewards, however, were working their fingers to the bone to make sure that everything was perfect. The brides, or Sponsas, were almost ready. Their dresses, if you could call them that, and those of their bridal party were simply pieces of colored silk knotted and braided to cover the most private body parts but leaving enough skin bare to make any modest person blush. It made me wonder what the men would be wearing. “Chey, can you help me with this?” Chloe, my little sister, had grown up so much in the past few months. She had gone from deceptively sweet 15 year old to teenage princess-zilla. Her disappointment about not being Embraced, coupled with the fact that Efia decided to send her male Fare, Landon, back to the island for school, made Chloe a certifiable brat. She was looking at me with an arched eye brow, waiting for me to help put her necklace on. I took it from her outstretched hand and stepped behind her. The necklace was a titanium Calla Lily on a titanium chain. This was the St. Clair flower. Each family had a flower as its symbol but I had yet to learn why. Efia had determined that all of my Vampire education would be in the hands of the compound Elder and there would be no syllabus or curriculum. The Elder, or Maior as he liked to be referred to in the Latin for Elder rather than his name, an old looking Vampire who had been with Efia since the days of slavery, had little patience for my uneducated guesses and had simply pointed to a set thick books and told me to read. I simply had not reached the part that would explain the flowers, but I appreciated the irony in delicate flowers being the symbols for Vampire clans. Placing the necklace on Chloe’s neck, I took my time securing the clasp, briefly laying my hand on her bare shoulder. Since her 16th birthday, she had become so distant from me and I missed her company. Having secured the clasp, I stepped back, raising my hand from her shoulder. In the slightest of movements, Chloe surprised me and placed her hand on mine. We stood there for long moments; just being sisters, just being together. I was so grateful for the gesture and afraid to speak, fearing that it would break the spell she was under. With a slight squeeze of my hand, she broke the silence with a joke about how mushy I was being and that it made her sick. She spun on her heels and was gone before I could come up with a worthwhile comeback. Standing there, I looked in the full length mirror that we had been standing in front of and thought back over the last four months. I had found my family, discovered that Vampires were real and I was going to become one. And not just any Vampire but a Princess with powers over the elements and a prophesy with my name on it. What a ride. New Year’s Eve had come like a thief in the night, almost catching me by surprise. But it would be the night that I would bear witness to the joining of the three strongest Vampire clans in the world. As I stared at my own face, I saw the outward changes but knew most of my changes were internal. I was no longer the girl who dreamed about her real family. I had a family. With a deep sigh, I turned around, looking for some place to sit. I wasn’t needed until the part of the Solemnis where Chloe and I would formally welcome Tabitha and Violeta into our clan. From the Solemnis forward, the two of them would hold a sort of dual-citizenship within Vampire society. Likewise, Zander and Jordan would have the same status in their Par’s respective clans. The entire system made my head hurt, but I was learning to keep my feelings under wraps. During the week prior, I said my good-bye to Tabitha. We both knew that she and Jordan would join the Miklos clan in the hopes of replacing their numbers. Even knowing it was the right thing to do, and having offered to help myself, I felt like a spoiled child wanting to keep Tabitha all to myself. She was my best friend and I didn’t know what I was going to do without her. Chloe and my Fare would be there for company, but Tabitha was the first true friend I had ever had. And after the Solemnis she would be gone. But Tabitha was not the person I thought she was. Just as I had gotten over her deceit and recovered from my Embrace, I was faced with the fact that the pretty, fresh faced blonde was not the athletic teen who I told my deepest secrets to. She was a 50 year old Vampire who was clearly robbing the cradle by marrying my brother. Efia and the Maior explained to me that age was not as much of an issue for Vampires as it was for humans. Living for hundreds and possibly thousands of years made the difference of 20 or 30 years insignificant. Violeta was dangerously close to Efia’s age but she was all giggles and eyelashes when Zander was around. The pair of them brought back the term ‘age ain’t nothin but a number’. From my position on the couch I was close enough to feel like a part of the festivities yet far enough away to be an observer. I loved to watch the Stewards in action. They worked in such concert with each other that it was artistic. They also worked without the fear of Vampire reprisals; when it came to organizing clans, Stewards were the boss. My new female Steward, Gretchen, was there in an apprentice capacity. It was an open secret that the Castellano clan wished to merge our families with a union between me and Sebastian. We had met Sebastian during the attempt to rescue my mother from a rival Vampire. We were ambushed and, after freeing him from his bonds, he helped us escape the compound and, from what I was told, was instrumental in saving my life. So, did that mean that Efia would repay him with my hand in marriage? Knowing her…probably! I sighed again, that time drawing the attention of the others in the room. It was still hard for me to remember that I could control air the way I did. At that moment I knew I had done nothing more than sent a slight ripple through the air, but Violeta was looking at me as if she expected more. I lifted a shoulder in response and rolled my eyes. I had to remember this was a sacred and honored occasion and my feelings of abandonment would have to wait until later. To occupy myself, I grabbed my tablet and started to read the dossier Solomon had prepared on the twins. We had just confirmed a pair of Chinese-American twins who were believed to be Efia’s blood descendants. The problems in contacting them were more than just the obvious lack of belief in Vampires. On the contrary, the twins were raised by a group who wholly believed in Vampires and other supernatural beings. It was written in an ancient Chinese scroll that the house of Yung would be hunted by a blood thirsty dragon. The dragon would hunt their descendants to the ends of the world until they were saved by The Prophesied One. Solomon, St. Clairs head Steward, was not sure whether he believed the prophecy or not, but all roads pointed to Grigor being the dragon and me being The Prophesied One. Somehow we had to convince them that we were the good guys before Grigor captured them. Being The Prophesied One was getting old. Some old Orc Vamp had written that there would be a young Vampire who would master all of the elements and rule all Vampires. The Prophesy read that a child born in the Year of the Dragon would lead them to the Prophesied One, born in the Year of the Rat. It was the age old story akin to Riki Tiki Tavi, the Mongoose and the Cobra. So every twelve years since 1604, they looked for the child that would lead the way. This was supposed to be Chloe leading them to me. Talk about feeling the pressure. Whether my destiny was real or imagined was not important, however, I had a Solemnis to attend. Tabitha and Violeta, gorgeous in their silk garments, were waiting with Chloe by the door, looking at me expectantly. Queen Matilda and Dominic would meet us at the entrance of the ballroom. I stood, careful not to over adjust my strips of silk, and followed them out of the room. The current visit to the island was far different from the last. Both visits were to be written as historical firsts, but the New Year would see a shift in the balance of power amongst the Vampire clans. Efia and the St. Clairs had always had the absolute support of the Miklos and Dewhurst clans: the Solemnis would simply make if official. The ballroom was filled with Vampires from all over the world. Many I had seen during the Ludos, but the majority were new to me. The entire room of Vampires stood as Chloe and I entered the room. We walked down the aisle behind ten young Fare and Steward flower girls. They were dressed in unadorned silk shifts with tulle trains embroidered with the flowers of the St. Clair, Miklos and Dewhurst clans. They were simply gorgeous. Each girl carried woven baskets filled with white rose petals. Every two steps, the girls dropped a few petals on the ground, leaving the aisle covered by the time we were half way to the altar. The room was lit by low hung chandeliers and matching wall sconces. The light was more ethereal than romantic, causing the entire room to appear underwater. The walls were covered in platinum crepe paper, forming subtle shadows throughout. Each row of chairs was corded off from the center aisle with titanium chains and little Calla Lily charms every few feet. At the front of the room there were pedestals with spectacular floral arrangements of Calla Lilies, Narcissi and Roses; flowers representing all three of the clans. Aside from the flower girls, the other members of the ceremonial party did not stand beside the Par, they stand in front of them. Having no true religion to call their own, Vampire Solemnis were officiated by representatives of the clan. As we approached, I was handed a scroll from which I was to read aloud and Chloe received a ceremonial chalice. The large golden cup was encrusted with diamonds, rubies and sapphires. It was larger than the average chalice and appeared to weigh a substantial amount. As soon as we were in place, our brothers came down the aisle. They walked in alone, without any flourishes or fanfare; their hands behind their backs in a royal posture. They both wore crisp looking white tunics and pants with bright red sashes around their waists. The standing assembly of Vampires bowed, creating a wave effect as they stood after our brothers passed. It was an awesome thing to witness. Their pace was slow and deliberate as if they were making sure that everyone could get a glimpse of history in the making. When they had passed the congregation, Jordan made the funniest face possible, causing me and Chloe to poorly conceal our laughter with coughs and sneezes. When the girls came in, we grew silent. They had grown more beautiful in the short time since I had left them near the entrance. Each of them walked with the head of their clan; Tabitha with Queen Matilda and Violeta with her brother Dominic. Queen Matilda had given Tabitha a dainty tiara that shimmered in the light. The jewels were strangely iridescent and, when she came closer, I saw that they were Opals and Diamonds set into silver. The Queen wore a larger version of the same head piece as the two of them made their way forward. Next to them were Violeta and Dominic. Dominic had given his sister an elegant necklace made of smooth black and blue Onyx. The stones were connected by silver plates that extended to her bare olive colored navel. The effect was mesmerizing to everyone in the room, as it was intended to be. Dominic wore matching bracelets that made him look like a male version of Wonder Woman except way hotter. His short hair and strong jawbone made him look every bit as dangerous as a Physice Vampire should. I stood there, staring at the man that was about to basically become my brother-in-law. Even if Dominic looked at me as more than a little sister, Efia would never approve. She had sent Chloe’s Fare away, for goodness sake. I was lost in my fantasy world about a Vampire who often kissed my forehead like a brother when Chloe cleared her throat. I blinked in time to see Dominic looking right at me. By the curve of his lips I could tell that I had just been caught staring and I was horrified. Violeta looked as if she was going to burst out laughing; I tried to appeal to her love for me, but she shook her head telling me that I was on my own. By the time they reached the altar, Chloe and Violeta were almost in tears with laughter and Dominic was all smiles. He nodded sympathetically at me as they all took their positions. The Vampires in audience were still standing, waiting for the first words of the Solemnis. That was my que, but I had a hard time regaining my bearings. Slowly, I unrolled the scroll and began: Regalis, Gens and Councilium You are here to witness the joining of these Vampires to one another, to their clans Your presence acts as your acknowledgment of their union and of their alliance Your presence acts as your agreement to extend your allegiance through them If any of the assembled do not agree with this union and alliance Please step out into the aisle and vacate the premises. I paused to allow anyone to leave if they chose. It is not uncommon for Vampires to disagree with unions and alliances, but it is very rare for any of them to leave a Solemnis of such importance. I scanned the audience and saw many other Vampires doing the same. The Achanum Vampires, or Mutes, were shuffling in place. They were only powerful by virtue being Vampires, but they had no Vampiric powers: physical, mental or elemental. It only made sense that their clan would want to stop Efia from having a monopoly of power. It would not have been unreasonable for one of them to step out. Just as the thought crossed my mind, I saw movement. I craned my neck to see who was approaching the aisle and was shocked to see Sebastian Castellano. He purposely stepped into the center of the aisle and waited for the couples and their escorts to turn and face him; he would allow them to see the Vampire who stood against them. Since Sebastian was the heir to the Castellano clan, his opposition was their opposition. It took several minutes for the assembled members of the Castellano clan to join him in the center aisle. I could tell by their expressions that his clan had no idea that Sebastian was going to make such a stand. Many of the women cried openly as they knew what ostracizing three of the most powerful Vampire clans meant to their lives. I watched as the head of the Castellano family joined his son in the center aisle. He was clearly angry at his son’s display and was controlling himself with much effort. When the last of the clan was standing in the aisle, the time had come for Sebastian to lead them in their exodus. At that point, as was proper etiquette, Sebastian should have turned his back on the altar and walk out. Everyone waited for him to turn, but he took a step forward. He continued to walk forward until he was directly in front of Jordan and Zander. He looked each man in the eye before he dropped to his knee before them. The assemble Vampires let out a collective gasp as Sebastian presented his bare neck to my brothers; a sign of trust and respect in Vampire society. Vampire clans with no formal alliance would never have performed a Hoc Nudum, which meant To Bare. And, just as his opposition to the union would have been adopted by his clan, his Hoc Nudum was as well. You could have honesty heard a pin drop in the seconds between that and what happened next. Zander, being the oldest of the two, stepped forward and knelt next to Sebastian. He whispered in is ear, listened and then returned to his position, with a large smile on his face. He said something to Jordan and the pair shared a silent laugh; both nodding in agreement over what they had heard. As one, the pair bowed deeply, a sign of respect but not anywhere near a Hoc Nudum. “I, Sebastian Castellano, Heir to the Castellano clan, acknowledge the union and subsequent alliance between the St. Clairs and Dewhursts as well as the St. Clairs and Miklos. I would also like to take this moment to ask permission to enter a Fides with Cheyenne St. Clair.” It was such a formal statement that I nearly missed the ending. My mind was running through the hundreds of words that I had recently learned to find out what Fides meant. By the reaction of the Vampires in the room, I was the only one without a clear understanding of what had just happened. Chloe’s mouth was wide open and she looked back and forth between me and Sebastian. Sebastian was still in the same submissive position, apparently waiting for an answer. After glances were exchanged between Efia and Zander, Efia nodding her approval with a smile, Zander and Jordan stepped forward and lifted Sebastian to his feet. Each brother embraced him as they would an ally in a combination handshake and hug where grabbed the other above the elbow and then behind the head. One after the other, each brother shared the same ritual with Sebastian. They shared a few words before all of them turned toward me. I was still running through my catalog of words when it came to me. Fides meant promise…no, no, it was more than that. It was more than a promise it represented a high level of trust and loyalty. Confidence. An agreement of confidence. A promise of confidence. OMG! It was the word for engagement. That idiot had just asked for my hand in marriage at my brothers’ wedding and I was literally the last person to figure it out! Right when the words ‘hell no’ were on the tip of my tongue, I heard Zander say the most horrific word I had ever heard. “Etiam!” Yes. The Castellanos, who had assembled themselves behind their heir, breathed a sigh of relief. They had gone from exile to elevation in a matter of minutes. Vincente Castellano stood and joined his son. His expression was one of great relief and victory; he was looking at me like I was his golden ticket. A union between me and his son would undoubtedly produce El offspring and encourage other clans to inter-marry with the Castellanos. I was appalled by the prospect. Not that Sebastian wasn’t attractive. On the contrary, he was gorgeous, but I was not some prize to be won. Also, I had things to do, like officiate the most significant Solemnis in centuries, find some twins, save them from evil, buy new shoes and finish high school. I was not entering a Fides with Sebastian and I was not getting married!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:16:23 +0000

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