FAQs: WEIGHT LOSS AND DIET 1. I LOST WEIGHT BUT MY FACIAL CHARM IS LOST. WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT? - Crash dieting (that causes quick weight loss) is the main cause of skin damage. - Avoid crash diets and don’t focus on losing more than 1 kg per week. - Eat a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins and omega-3 fatty acids to improve your skin’s elasticity and overall health. - Consume fresh vegetables, fruits, fibrous food and protein rich food. - Hydrate your skin by drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily because hydrated skin can bounce back into shape easily. 2. WHAT IS THE BEST TIME TO EXERCISE? - The best time to exercise is the time that’s right for you. - The most important factor is to choose a time of day you can stick to, so that exercise becomes a habit. 3. SHOULD I TAKE NAP IN THE AFTERNOON? - Yes. It is supposed to be healthy to take ‘power nap’. Sleep 20 to 30 minutes. Power naps can boost your mood and improve your performance. - You should not have long naps (more than 30 minutes) in the afternoon because long naps can completely ruin your sleep cycle. - You should not sleep immediately after you eat. 4. CAN I EAT RICE WHEN TRYING TO LOSING WEIGHT? - Yes. You can eat rice when losing weight. Just have smaller portions. - Rice is full of carbohydrates (energy). Have rice 90 minutes before workout. - Do not sleep immediately after having rice. 5. HOW MANY DAYS PER WEEK SHOULD I BE EXERCISING AND FOR HOW LONG? - Basically, you should be physically active almost every day. Try to get some variety in there, like running, sports, strength training, yoga, swimming, cycling or walking. - Get at least 45 minutes a day of cardio exercises for 20 to 25 minutes a day of high intensity exercises. Do strength training exercises at least 3 to 4 days a week. 6. IS LEMON WITH HONEY GOOD FOR WEIGHT LOSS IF I HAVE IT FIRST THING IN THE MORNING? - This mixture can improve digestion, boost your mood and give you instant energy but it cannot give you licence to eat “everything you like”. - Just because you have lemon with honey first thing in the morning doesn’t mean that you can eat unhealthy, sugary, fried or high calorie food throughout the day. 7. AM I BURNING MORE CALORIES IF I SWEAT MORE? - No. Sweating has nothing to do with amount of calories burned. Sweat is not a gauge of how hard you are working. - Sweating is your body’s internal cooling system. That’s it. It has nothing to do with burning fat. 8. HOW CAN I EXERCISE WITH A KNEE PROBLEM? - Water exercises are more ideal for people faced with a knee problem because you get the same benefits as land-based exercises, but without the risk of joint tear or muscle tear. - These exercises are done in a swimming pool and do not require swimming skills. - Water workouts give you moderate fitness because water is 12 to 14 times thicker than air and offers resistance in every direction. 9. IS IT ALL RIGHT TO EAT BISCUITS IN BREAKFAST? - It depends on how many biscuits you eat. Two or three is fine but biscuits contain a lot of calories. - I suggest you to replace biscuits with homemade whole wheat food like paratha, bhakhri, or khakhra. 10. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I WEIGH MYSELF? WHEN IS THE BEST TIME? - I recommend you to weigh yourself every day and then take the “average” at the end of the week. You’ll have the most accurate figure you could possibly get and you can make decisions based on this accurate number. - If you are the type of person who will turn it into an unhealthy obsession and respond poorly to seeing typical day-today changes in your weight, then you should probably weigh yourself once a week. - The best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything (empty stomach). Be sure to wear as little clothing as possible. ( Sapna Vyas Patel, Columnist, Ahmedabad Mirror)
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 05:46:22 +0000

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