FAR LEFT FUNDAMENTALISM TIES UP BRITISH PARLIAMENT IN A SYMBOLIC VOTE AGAINST PEACE AND FOR TERRORISM: In a blow to peace negotiations and a shout out to terrorists and tyrants everywhere, the British Parliament at the direction of far left fundamentalists in the Labour Party including the leader Miliband, tied up the British Parliament in what became a defamatory session against Israel to recognise a Palestinian State. These fundamentalists have proven once again that it pays to be a terrorist, be intransigent, refuse to recognise Israel as a Jewish State, commit double crimes against humanity by deliberately targeting Israeli citizens and using your own citizens as human shields, murder the opposition. This ensures that you will be rewarded with a prize of recognition and respect from a western Parliament. Oh just one thing your main targets for destruction, murder and mayhem generally have to be Jewish or the only Jewish State in the world before you will be given such a reward. These British political fools think that ISIS came from nowhere and suddenly appeared murdering, raping and pillaging forgetting that it is the excuses that these British fools have made for Palestinian terrorism against Israelis which has proven a benchmark for terrorism to be adopted by other Muslim terrorists across the globe. The behaviour of western leadership who have rewarded Arab terrorism against Jews continually because of their (the Wests) base anti-Semitism, patronising racism and love of oil and the Muslim vote are partly to blame for the increasing horrific acts of terror that continues to grow from within the Islamic and Arab nationalist communities. When next time a British citizen is decapitated at home and abroad - the British Parliament can take a bow and know that they have helped contribute towards this behaviour because of their stupidity and hatred of the Jew and the only Jewish State in the world The next time that a group of people are denied discussion of statehood, like the Kurds, or discussion of human rights abuses against them, like the Congolese and the Tibetans, they can thank the British Parliament for allowing the Palestinian cause to wipe Israel off the map to have taken the oxygen out of any sane debate about rights and appropriate behaviours regarding any other group on this planet. The only saving grace about this travesty is that out of 650 Parliamentarians, only 286 people actually took part in the fiasco. Shame on the British Parliament, the far left fundamentalists in the Labour Party and especially shame on the fascist Milliband who is so intent on showing he is a good Jew that he not only voted in favour of this ridiculous motion but denied his colleagues in the Labour Party the democratic right to vote against this motion. We ask all our British friends on this basis to vote against Milliband and the Labour Party MPs who voted for this motion. ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4580307,00.html
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 04:25:32 +0000

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