FAR too much sensationalism like this going on! Economic Crisis? - TopicsExpress


FAR too much sensationalism like this going on! Economic Crisis? Phooey..use the credit card and it will all go away. Sink holes? oh thats just a suffocated earth covered in concrete! Itll go away, too Labours Glasgow leads the New World Order ..er Hurray, hip, hip!! so we can sleep tonight. Thats how were meant to be...so shut the %$$£££$@&* up. Saint Brand will lead all clones to the final revolution to nowhere. All disaster films are made somewhere in the Hollywood vicinity...Yes!..True or false? .Believe what you like but an ancient fairy tale quips about 7 plagues (fancy! seven! more or less). Oops! got to run to supermarket for an apple and pear and its pile of packaging. Permit me to say ta, ta to everyone now. Tomorrow might never come. JO-KING!!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 07:52:16 +0000

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