FARM DEBT, LOW INCOMES, DROUGHT & BANKS. WHAT NOW? Recap: 80% of Queensland and 60% of New South Wales in drought. Farm debt crisis meeting in Winton Qld. attended by hundreds of desperate people. Meeting organised by Bob Katter but attended by Barnaby Joyce, who rejects the notion of a Rural Reconstruction Bank. The Minister for Agriculture Mr Barnaby Joyce has since announced more drought funding, although welcome, does little to address the problems. Alan Jones guest speaker at Winton and since active in highlighting the issues as voiced by Dr Pascoe on his radio show and been reported in other media. . Dr David Pascoe BVSc PhD OVH Repro ‘s Open Letter went viral after the farm debt crisis meeting in Winton. Much focus has been on Charlie Phillot since then as an example of a family farmer who did not miss any bank repayments, but still evicted. https://facebook/OVHRepro/photos/a.521941671267048.1073741827.521894001271815/602575923203622/?type=1 Cate Stuart and family of A history of Mount Morris Station Charleville Queensland is another evicted farmer who has been vocal on how banks have been forcing farmers off the land, often with underhand tactics. There is a fighting fund started and they are actively working to bring change for all. Bush Kids have had support posts that have also gone viral and are also active in highlighting the terrible situation too many Aussie farmers are in. Federal Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce issued an ultimatum to the major banks, telling them to stop throwing drought-stricken farmers off their properties or risk government intervention. ( ttp://…/heat-on-…/2719604.aspx… ) The ANZ have got their public relations working for them and imposing an immediate moratorium on all forced farm foreclosures in drought-affected west and north Queensland and northern NSW until January 2016. The ANZ also committed not to increase mortgage interest rates on loans made to any drought-affected farmers for the next year. It will ban the common practice of hiking interest rates up to 12 per cent and beyond when loans are reclassed by the bank as at-risk. No such announcement by any other of the banks! Although the Commonwealth Bank has opened up a donation line with “We’re For The Bush” campaign kickstarting it with a $100,000 donation for the appeal, which is being run by the Salvation Army and supported by Commonwealth Bank, will provide funding to drought stricken farmers for grocery vouchers and cash grants to support farming operations. The chief executive of Australias biggest bank has refused to cave in to political pressure and impose a mora­torium on farm receiverships. (…/no-need-for-mor…/2719605.aspx ) NAB and Rabobank have attempted to allay concerns over the extent of bank foreclosures on drought stressed primary producers.…/ba…/2719537.aspx Reports today of anger among National Party MPs at banks treatment of drought-stricken farmers is creating dangerous divisions in Cabinet, threatening further instability for the Abbott government. National Party sources have confirmed the Coalition is straining over the issue of farmers being left destitute by banks, and Nationals Whip Barry OSullivan told Fairfax Media he was willing to cross party lines to protect his constituents. Senator OSullivan, who will introduce a bill in the Senate next year to make it illegal for banks to foreclose on drought-hit farmers.…/h…/2719604.aspx… There are a number of pages and groups on facebook that feel strongly and a new group that is busy exploring options is Farming in Australia - What EVERYONE needs to know https://facebook/groups/1644440769115923/ Our various Agricultural representative groups are for the most part are fragmented and not showing leadership on the pressing issues that are impacting on our aussie farmers. Have you been seeing news report on drought and rural debt this week where normally you don’t. ? . So What Now? What do we have to do to get this mess sorted? #realaussiefarms
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 10:15:34 +0000

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