FAST FOOD & ITS DETERIORATING EFFECT ON HEALTH Fast food is anchored firmly in our fast paced world providing us with the food aligned to the modus operandi for modern living- quick, easy and cheap. The effects on your body is however not innocent. Over the past few decades, Veda pay, samosas, doughnuts, pizzas, burgers, rolls, wraps, French fries etc. have penetrated every corner of our country. When you step out of your house and you will see them being served everywhere from malls, restaurants and roadside corners to office and college canteens. Now we all know that fast food is tasty because it is packed with sugars and fats. It is also apparent that sugar is currently monopolizing the limelight. But have you ever thought why they are called ‘JUNK’. The word junk refers to something that is extra and useless. The consequences that these junk foods have on your health are terrible, irrespective of whether you have them once in a while, twice in a week or every day. Fat is your body’s natural cushion, providing protection and comfort for your internal organs and pressure areas like your bum (sitting on the ischium) a part of your pelvis without any fat is not nice. Fat also provide you with some natural minor insulation, so that it supports your body’s thermoregulation. Your fat acts as an impressive energy depot with around 100,000 calories available for your body. Crucial role in deteriorating health with junk consumption 1. IMPAIRS DIGESTION: Those who are addicted to fatty foods are bound to have digestive problems like Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). That is because junk food is deep fried, oil from the junk food gets deposited in the stomach causing acidity. They cause irritation of the stomach lining because they are too spicy and they also lack fiber which is important for proper digestion. 2. IT AFFECTS THE BRAIN FUNCTION: A study published in the journal of Brain, behavior and immunity shows that one week of eating junk food is enough to trigger memory impairment in rats. Recent research suggested that bad fats (Trans fat) from junk food tends to replace healthy fats in the brain and interferes with its normal signaling mechanism. Studies in animal have also shown that fats from junk food slow down the ability to learn new skills. 3. IT INCREASES THE RISK OF HEART DISEASE: Junk food increases cholesterol and triglyceride levels which are major factors for the development of heart diseases. Moreover, fat from junk food accumulate over the time in your body to make you obese. The more weight you put on, the higher your risk of suffering from heart attack. 4. JUNK FOOD MAY LEAD TO DEPRESSION IN TEENAGER: A lot of hormonal changes take place in teenager which makes them susceptible to mood swings and behavioral changes. And a healthy diet plays an important role in maintaining that hormonal balance. Because junk food lacks those essential nutrients, the likelihood of teenagers to suffer from depression is increased by 58%. 5. FATIGUE: Although junk foods and fast food makes you feel full and satisfied, they lack all the necessary nutrients like proteins and carbohydrates to keep your body energized. If you eat junk food every time you are hungry, you may feel chronically fatigued. It can lower your energy levels to an extent that it may become difficult for you to even perform your daily task. 6. IT CAN CAUSE FLUCTUATION IN BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL: junk food is high in refined sugar which put your metabolism under stress. Refined sugar causes the pancreas to secrete more amount of insulin in order to prevent a drastic spike in your blood sugar level. Because junk food lacks sufficient levels of good carbohydrates and proteins, the level of blood sugar drop suddenly after you eat. This makes you feel irritable and further increases your craving for more junk food. 7. IT INCREASES YOUR RISK OF CANCER: A study published in the European journal of cancer prevention revealed that consuming too much of fast food that are high in sugar and fat can increase your chances of developing colorectal cancer. Another study from the study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre, Settle showed that men who ate fried food more than twice in a month had increased risk of developing prostate cancer. 8. IT CAN CAUSE KIDNEY DISEASE: The reason why you can never say no to fries and chips is because they contain high amount of finely processed salt which increases salivation and secretion of enzymes that enhance your cravings. High amount of bad fats and sodium from salt increases blood pressure and affects kidney function. 9. IT CAN CAUSE TYPE 2 DIABETES: When you eat a healthy diet, your body gets a steady supply of glucose which helps to maintain insulin sensitivity. But when you eat only junk food, the excessive stress exerted on your metabolism can affect the ability of your body to use insulin properly. This can lead to diabetes. 10. IT CAN DAMAGE YOUR LIVER: High level of Trans fat food in a number of junk food can cause deposition of fats in the liver which can cause liver dysfunction. 11. CHILDHOOD OBESITY: CBS News explores the connection between restaurant chains and children in its features. Extra weight affects a person overall health and when obesity begins in childhood, the child is faced with lifelong struggle with weight and health issues. 12. EFFECT ON WEIGHT: the study compared people who ate in fast food restaurants less than once each week to people who frequented the establishment more than twice a week gained weight. REFERENCES Cancer council NSW (http//: Fast food nation: The dark side of the All American Meal by Eric Schlosser Fast food and junk: An encyclopedia of what we live to eat by Andrew F. Smith
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 12:29:31 +0000

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