FASTING: - Nailing, Building and Receiving Then came the - TopicsExpress


FASTING: - Nailing, Building and Receiving Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief .... Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. (Matthew 17:19-21 KJV) Fasting and praying is like a blast of fuel to the fire (faith) that builds and strengthens it. Fasting and praying does not drive away evil spirits but drives away doubt. It loosens the hold of the flesh on your being, therefore loosens the hold of evil spirits on you. Fasting does not mean going on hunger strikes. Just depriving your body of food is not called fasting. Fasting is more spiritual than physical. To learn the true way of fasting, learn to build tents. Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. (Isaiah 54:2) [NIV] This scripture gives a perfect procedure of fasting. To build a large tent the first thing you need to do is put strong poles (as many as possible) firmly into the ground. Strong poles are like pillars and these pillars are available in the Bible, they are the Promises of God. In Genesis chapter 28 when Jacob had a vision, connected with the Heavens, he made a pillar and anointed it. He was not worshiping any pillar but he had worshiping God for the promise that God gave him through his vision. The promise was that God was going to open the Heavens which were once shut for mankind, for him and his descendants. Take two or more of these pillars / poles from the Bible to build your fast around. Taking them in different areas of your life will make your tent larger. After firmly placing these poles (believing from your heart) spread the tent curtains on it, which are your prayers, praise and thanksgiving through out the fast period. Prayer does not mean residing any text or scripture with your mouth, but saying it from your heart, your mouth can be just a confirmation of the words of your heart. But if your heart is not saying it, your mouth movements do not count. You do not need to lock yourself in a room. Do your routine work while doing all this in you heart (mind). At the end of the tent curtains have long cords, the longer the better. The cords represent hope or expectation. Fasting without great expectation is no fast at all. Tie these cords to pegs which are nailed into the earth. A large tent does not stand firm by one or two pegs but requires many. Just sacrificing food (which is the quickest way of nailing your flesh) does not do the job, fasting requires sacrifice in other areas too, areas that can bring your flesh (carnal nature) into control. Like self sacrifice, service to others; like bringing them to God (sharing Gods Word, testimonies, praying for others etc not just social service), setting yourself as a good example of a child of God, ministering the sick, helping the poor (not just by giving alms) etc ... A peg can have many cords tied to it but it would be foolish to have many pegs tied by one cord. Make large tents that can hold more and more of spiritual receiving. Do this process regularly so as to keep bring your flesh (carnal nature) in control (for it has tendency of popping its head up often). Try it weekly then things would be better for you. Do not build tents by your own capacity; build large tents with the help of Gods grace. Before you start your fast pray for Gods grace. If you keep fasting in a standard procedure (in the same areas of your life), you will get used to it and land up doing it by your own efforts. Such fasting should be stopped. Fast only with Gods grace, in areas you are weak and without Gods help you can not do it. Doing a fast in secret, as much as possible is very important. So as to not receive only in the flesh (which is temporary) but in spirit (which is permanent). What you receive in spirit is not only for you, it even benefits your generations.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:03:23 +0000

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