FASTING & PRAYERS DAY 8......14th July DEALING WITH FAMILY - TopicsExpress


FASTING & PRAYERS DAY 8......14th July DEALING WITH FAMILY BREAKING DEMONS In the Excellent name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Almighty Father, I come against all the demons that Satan has assigned to break my family this year. I release the Holy Ghost fire against those demons any where they are in the air, the land and the sea. I command all their evil against me and my family to be destroyed now in Jesus name, Amen. No matter the plans of Satan to scatter my family, my business, my company, my progress; I plead the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost to destroy all those evil powers. I destroy the seeds of discord, which Satan and his demons have sown in my life, my family, my business, my company and in my surroundings against me, and in other people, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. DEMONS OF BLOCKAGES In the precious name of our Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Heavenly Father, I raise a standard against all the demons that cause blockages in my life, my family, my business, my marriage, my spiritual growth, my career and all my endeavours this year. I release the fire of the Holy Ghost to destroy all their blockages against me. It is written in the Book of Isaiah 45:2-4 ‘‘ I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight. I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob my servant’s sake and Israel mine elect. I have even called thee by thy name; I have surnamed thee though thou hast not known me”. I cast all the demons of blockages into the abyss and common them never to rise again until the judgment day of the Lord. I have sprinkled the blood of Jesus upon all my ways and I cover everything about me with the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name, Amen. INDWELLING DEMONS In the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Almighty Father, I come against all the demons that are dwelling in my house, my office, my store, my company, my vehicle and my family. I rebuke and bind all the demons that Satan has assigned to dwell in my house in order to hinder my progress, to cause confusion in my family, to spirit away my money, to initiate members of my family, to manipulate me and the members of my family at their will. I cast out all the indwelling demons from my house and those in my business and office. I command the Holy Ghost fire to chase all of them out from their hiding places. I sprinkle the blood of Jesus Christ upon all my properties, and I cover the whole of my house and office with the precious blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen. KEY TO SUCCESS In the blessed name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, dearly beloved Father, I come against all the powers of darkness that have seized my key to success in the air , the land and the sea. I command all the padlocks and keys that satan and his agents have used in locking my progress to manifest now, in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I destroy all those keys and padlocks any where they are in the air, the land and the sea. Satan, in the name of Jesus, I command you to release my keys to success now. I cast you and all your agents out, and I command the fire of the Holy Ghost to consume you now in the victorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, it is written in Mathew 16:19, ‘‘And I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”. In the victorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father, I claim and receive my keys to success. I open all the doors of blessings that the enemies have locked against me, in Jesus name, Amen. MULTIPLE DEMONS In the wonder working name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Father, I raise a standard against all the multiple demons of suppression, depression, affliction, rejection, opposition and insomnia that Satan has assigned to attack me this year. I come against all of you demons, in Jesus name, Amen. It is written in the Book of Nahum 1:9, ‘‘What do you imagine against the LORD? He will make an utter end, affliction shall not rise up the second time”. I command the Holy Ghost fire to destroy all of you demons that have been sent to afflict me and my family in one way or the other. I cast out any of your evil deposits still remaining in my life and I sanctify my spirit, my soul, my body and my family with the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in Jesus name, Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 10:04:38 +0000

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