FATHERGOD came to me and I began to pray…Thank you FATHERGOD for - TopicsExpress


FATHERGOD came to me and I began to pray…Thank you FATHERGOD for a blessed day today and thank you in advance for another INDEED…Next time say it OUT LOUD with a friend… Hello sir or madam…My name is JOHN PAUL DREYLING II here is a prayer that I would like to have posted at all your locations and one day I would like to rent billboards with this prayer but as of today I don’t have those funds so please accept this emailed version in the meantime time being. There is a story behind this request it goes like this I went to the homeless breakfast service at SALVATION ARMY in St Paul MN and at the conclusion of the morning breakfast prayer (it was a beautiful prayer) I stood up and said I would like to say something the is a short prayer that father god commanded me it post on 45 billboards in all 50 states and it simply says Thank you FATHERGOD for a blessed day today and thank you in advance for another INDEED…Next time say it OUT LOUD with a friend… after the breakfast a fellow came up to me and said I loved your idea about the posters and I said POSTERS that will save me millions on advertising and all the wings of the angels around me began to flutter that when I knew that this was a god commandment… so please post this prayer knowing it pleases god thank you for your time and all your effort today. Invention with the potential to put a smile on every CHILDS face on the PLANET seeks investors of $100 FOR 1/10 of 1% OF ROYALTIES UP TO $50.000 DOLLARS EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE! Call JOHN PAUL DREYLING II 702 355 5698 OR jpd0735@yahoo or home 651 455 1583. Teaches kids how to swim makes them faster on and under the water. WOW! John Paul Dreyling II is the original inventor of the “EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE” (ESD) and is not aware of any other products or similar designs at this time. This inventor guide utilizes consultants, patent attorneys, technical writers, graphic designers, engineers, draftsman, product sales persons and other industry professionals. All information contained is confidential in nature and design. Standard industrial classifications (SIC) use a target market in use for 60 years thru North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). This invention initiative guide relates to “EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE” and makes it readily available for confidential review by appropriate manufactures and licensing entities for A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS AND WILL PRESENT IT AT 6 TO 8 TRADE SHOWS PER YEARS IF NEEDED.WOW!“EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE” conceived by John Paul Dreyling II for the safety industry which will assist in learning how to swim presently there are limited products on the market that are practical, stylish, ingenious and useful as the (ESD). UNIVERSITY BASED MAEKET ANALISIS team has prepared an investigation of your product in 33 critical areas and 5 major areas how potential manufactures’, licensees’, representatives’, retailers’ and the business community weigh on the feasibility of your new invention (ESD). Three major areas are considered for the “EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE” Critical value score or market feasibility of your invention is 68%. WOW! Aggregate value score or the combined score of all 33 criteria is 62%. AWESOME! Estimate of success score in the current market environment is 72%.Outstanding! High scores in the 60’s and above range in all three categories indicate your new invention should be considered in the current market place. PRODUCT LEGALITY the “EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE” might require modest revisions to be congruent with all applicable laws, regulations, product standards and industry standards. SAFETY Products such as skydiving equipment, knifes, construction scaffold and hunting tree stands are products over a prolonged period may cause however small a threat and will be viewed as a concern to potential marketers and licensees. The “EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE” appears to be safe for carefully instructed users! AMEN! IMPACT ON EVIROMENT as a result the reuse of a product such as a water bottle creates bacterial problems and can cause someone to get ill. The “EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE” is expected to have no ill effects on the environment. SOCIETAL IMPACT bad things such as oil spills and waste dumps have a detrimental impact. Good things such as wind power, solar power and medical equipment have a positive impact on society. The “EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE” appears to have no ill effects on society at large. BUSINESS RISK FACTORS Functional design feasibility the (ESD) will work, some small changes may be needed. Product feasibility is the traditional approach to manufacturing; the (ESD) is expected to have some problems or setbacks which can be overcome. Stage of development is the developmental progress achieved; the (ESD) is in “IDEA STAGE”. Investment and cost comparative is costs to produce an attractive price to the ultimate end user the (ESD) is expected to be developed with a heavy amount of capital and cost developments necessary for the market ready stage. The initial production investment should be recoverable. Break even period is the break even analysis, the (ESD) has the potential to break even with-in four to six years from initial production and distribution period. Profitability answers the question will the invention sales cover all direct and indirect relevant capital costs. The (ESD) appears to have anticipated revenues to cover direct and indirect costs related to industry and production standards. This should strengthen any and all licensing negotiations with potential manufacturers and licensees. Market research separates successful inventions from unsuccessful ones in the national and global market places. The (ESD) should generate a sufficient amount of market research to produce a superb market ready product with moderate difficulty to mass produce to meet (roi) return on investment. Research and development determines if the invention is tailored to a specific market the (ESD) requires only moderately difficult product research and development. DEMAND ANALISIS FACTORS Potential market size or niche in the market place the (ESD) appears to have a 75% market size. WOW! The most advantageous market would be domestic. Potential sales is market size and market penetration with emphasis on healthy profit margins. The (ESD) appears to be able to generates sales expected to be in the millions range thru appropriate distribution channels this score is at 70 %.YAHOO! Trend of demand focuses on growth and ease of market penetration The (ESD) will have a steady market demand expected to grow for several years we scored 81% WOW! Demand stability is the review of forecasting potential fore both the market and the product the (ESD) should have a predictable demand that can accurately be foreseen we scored a 76% OUTSTANDING! Product life cycle is survival thru years of successful market penetration by creating a brand awareness in a penetrated market place i.e. another brand of bottled water introduced in existing market place the (ESD) scored 77% WE NAILED IT Product line potential shows value to consumers when manufacturing can produce multiple styles, colors and price ranges the (ESD) scored 72% WINNING MARKET ACCEPTANCE FACTORS Compatibility, inventions should satisfy needs like the segway which touted it’s the next generation of personal transportation but proved it was not compatible in markets like San Francisco and New York City which outlawed there use on public sidewalks the (ESD) scored an outstanding 73% Yippee! Learning and consumer education is the cost associated with consumer education the (ESD) scored an awesome 75% Yeah! MARKET ACCEPTANCE FACTORS Compatibility, inventions should satisfy needs like the segway which touted it’s the next generation of personal transportation but proved it was not compatible in markets like San Francisco and New York City which outlawed there use on public sidewalks the (ESD) scored an outstanding 73% Yippee! Learning and consumer education is the cost associated with consumer education the (ESD) scored an awesome 75% Yeah!COMPETITIVE FACTORS Appearance reviews possible substitutes how original the invention a concept is the (ESD) scored a 62% YEAH! Functionality determines how useful a new invention is related to a competitive or similar product as of today’s market there is none the (ESD) split this market down the middle at 50% so even if another similar product was invented we still have half the market share. WOW! Durability is the study of how a new invention will hold up under stressors basically it compares other similar products if they existed the (ESD) scored a 65% Our Market! Suggested selling price is how well a price is accepted in the market the (ESD) scored a 60% food is a need at 100% We Get 60% YEAH Existing competition is the potential risks of our products market entry compared to the sales there after the (ESD) can obtain market penetration with reasonable effort and expense the (ESD) scored a 73% YEAH! New competition reviews existing products and competition in the market segments the (ESD) is expected to encounter a moderate level of competition from any new entrance into this market share can be maintained the (ESD) scored a 71% AWESOME! LEGAL PROTECTION reviews how a protected invention enhances its marketability and licensing potential in the world wide marketplace for agencies such as (EPC) EUROPEAN PATENT CONVENTITION (EPO)EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE (PCT) PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (WIPO) COVERING 137 COUNTRIES the WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION (ARIPO) AFRICAN REGION INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION (OAPI) ANALOGOUS TREATIES AMOUNG AFRICAN COUNTRIES the (ESD) IS EXPECTED TO HAVE POSITIVE SEARCH RESULTS IN SOUND LEGAL OPIONS IN WORLDWDE MARKETS THE (ESD) scored a 89% IN TODAYS WORLDWIDE MARKETS MANUFACTURING CONSIDERATIONS What to expect in the process of manufacturing of the (ESD) which will be introduced to manufactures using 3-D CAD illustrations and technical drawings. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! PRODUCTION RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT The (ESD) requires molding and analysis by skilled technicians in order for the (ESD) to be accepted by manufactures. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! DESIGN MODIFICATION ANALISIS This is a common misconception by “GARAGE INVENTORS” the truth is most designs are impractical as a “FINAL DESIGN” for the manufacture they must take into account existing materials and manufacturing costs such an injection plastic molding etc.. This is all taken into account at their manufacturing levels by their trained professionals LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN & TECHNICAL WITTING (CAD) computer aided design and technical writing this area is a small part of manufacturing. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! MACHINING & TOOL PATH CREATION This simply means pattern design, quality control and mold making so understand our prototype is not a finished product. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! PRODUCT PRICING ESTAMATES This is the cost of goods sold (COGS) these are based on a particular set of circumstances. Mark up costs this is a predetermined profit margin. Key stoning this is doubling the cost paid for a product once a rule of thumb today not so much. Suggested retail price (SRP) maintains a satisfactory level of profit on minimum advertised price. Competitive pricing above and below competition marketing plan to concentrate on price specials. Psychological pricing is a strategy where price is based on popular price what the consumer perceives as fair $20 as opposed to $19.99. Multiple pricing is useful during clearance sales. Discount pricing based on amount of competition and quality and available Keep in mind ultimately the right product price for the “EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE” is what the consumer is willing to pay. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! PRODUCT PACKAGING IDEAS This is important to attract buyers with the “EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE” the devil is in the details we are encouraged to. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! NEW PRODUCT & RELATIONSHIP MARKETING This is a simple marketing formula to meet customer needs. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! CORRESPONDENCE Simply the way to let manufactures know about our product and our excitement we all have. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! COVER LETTERS Formality is a formal introduction letter kept brief and explanatory on what our product offers exciting to imagine what it should say. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! LEGAL PROTECTION This is covered by our lawyers and manufactures without risk to inventors or investors. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! INDUSTRY TRADESHOW PARTICIPATION This is a powerful way to enhance visibility of our product with our contract we receive 6 to 8 tradeshows per year LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! BEATING THE COMPETION Rule #1 money is made by beating the competition as of now we have none but we will stay on our toes. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! CONCLUSSIONS & RECOMENDATION PATENT SERVICES USA, INC’s #1 goal is to partner with a visionary inventor and those investors willing to take a chance at a great deal. Product development and introduction into the marketplace. LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS! Title of the invention: “EXTREME SWIMMING DEVICE” Upon disclosure of the invention to the joint venture: 1. Joint venture shall keep strictly confidential and shall not use nor disclose the above titled and described invention or any variation thereof, to any person, organization or corporation without the expressed written permission of the inventor. 2. Joint venture agrees to acknowledge inventor as the claimed originator of the invention as titled and described.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 17:40:16 +0000

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