FATHERS HEART MINISTRY - DAILY PROPHETIC WORD - APRIL 30, 2014: The Father says today adopt the luxury of love as a lifestyle. Go out in your day and love with abandon, accept without qualification and give expecting nothing in return. Your response time in the act of love is a measurement says the Father of My response time to meet your own need. Love with haste says the Father. Love without talking yourself out of unselfish acts of love. Love without consideration for how it makes you look, feel or how you are disadvantaged by your magnanimity. This is the mind that must be in you even as it is the mind of My Spirit that causes you to ascend and prevail in every area of life. Say yes to love says the Father. Say yes to love and reject the social conditioning of selfishness and small mindedness. Let your love have breadth and depth today says the Father and I will cause you to know the depth and breadth of My love. My love is without limits and I would that your love be without limits. Love the undeserving. Give to the unthankful. Serve the indifferent. In so doing I will bring a joy and an authority up in your heart like a life giving stream that will change every area of your life.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:23:33 +0000

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