FATHERS HEART MINISTRY - DAILY PROPHETIC WORD - MAY 14, 2014: The Father says you have traveled a very level plane in life for quite some time. I have kept your foot from stumbling but the landscape hasnt changed very much. You have wondered Father when are the things you promised and put in my heart going to come to pass? You are not only a person of ambition but also with a great passion. Some have suggested that your vision does not reflect proper humility as though to suggest you are walking in pride. But the Father says my Beloved DREAM a bigger dream. Let your expectations become the orbital vehicle that launch you into a higher place. You will be promoted in health and promoted in favor and promoted in influence. I will open your mouth and my wisdom will come out. Others will hear and heed and will call upon you to serve in important places to bring about vital kingdom projects. You see the Father says delay is not denial - get ready, get ready, get ready for I am bringing the angels of My goodness over your life and they will pass-over you in blessing and in fullness. I will do the thing you have petitioned me for and cause a new season and new day to dawn for you personally. This is Matt 6:33 time says the Father - even as you have sought My face surely you will see My hand and there will be DELAY no longer.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 10:13:00 +0000

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