FATWA OF SHAYKH FAWZAN H.F VS BOYCOTTING ISRAELI GOODS THAT SPECIFICALLY HELP ISRAEL RUN THE WAR Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan said : Firstly, I ask for a copy of the newspaper article on the issue which the questioner has mentioned. Secondly, this is not correct, the scholars have not issued a verdict prohibiting the buying of American products. The American products are still imported and sold in the markets of the Muslims. It would not harm America [1] if you didn’t buy their products. This would not harm them. Boycotting should not take place unless the person in authority (the ruler) has issued it. If the person in authority issued a prohibition or a sanction against a country from the countries then that (country or product) should be boycotted. As for individuals doing so (boycotting) or giving verdicts on prohibition, then this is prohibiting something which Allah has permitted and this is not allowed. Ans : The shaykh hafidhahullah issued a general statement and biidhnillah he is rewarded for his Ijtihaad. He did not issue a statement for a question that asked regarding a specific company that is known to fund the IDF and even if say he did, then wiith all due respect, we have a different perspective on this issue. [1] Boycotting Israel is harming america directly or indirectly. Before we begin, wed like to inform that boycotting completely is indeed not useful. However, there are various types of boycotts. For example boycotting the danish ambassador when they made fun of our prophet (s.a.w). But unfortunately that was not applied and the scholars who spoke of it were treated harshly. Rather a boycott was made when the netherland folks insulted the flag of saudiya which wrecked havoc in the denmark business capital and thus they came running for an apology see: reuters/article/2014/05/17/us-netherlands-saudi-wilders-idUSBREA4G05420140517 Even if we agree that they boycoted it for islamic reasons, nevertheless this was a good move and shows how such a boycott could bring many on kneels if the muslim nations joined hands. But..... Secondly, boycott can also be done sensibly. For example you go to a market and you have two products. One from Malaysia and one from another jewish company. It is recommended that you buy the malaysian product until and unless it is unacceptable quality wise and has no other alternative except the jewish one Thirdly, another type of boycott is by targetting companies that are specifically used to sponser the war crimes of Israel. For e.g the israeli dates grown on occupied territories. Or other industrial products grown on Israeli land. Walillahil hamd we have seen how the european union has given them nightmares after banning a certain portion of israeli goods. Likewise, huge companies like soda stream were shut down due to boycotts. Recently the international media and statistics groups have published how approximately some 8 billion dollars due to boycotts A senior Israeli official said that the proposal for the resolution calling for a boycott of the settlements is creating tension and anxiety in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus office. Having realised that Israeli diplomacy is completely paralysed due to the strikes, they quickly decided to assign a special envoy to Geneva. Meanwhile the Israeli vice-president of the National Security Council, Aaron Larmon, was expected to arrive on Wednesday but a last minute decision was taken to cancel the visit after officials in the Prime Ministers office realised that they would not be able to influence the formulation of decisions looming in Geneva. Source : https://middleeastmonitor/news/middle-east/10590-israel-loses-eight-billion-dollars-and-arab-parties-join-the-boycott Similarly even churches have started boycotting huge israeli companies thereby creating a major tension for israeli govt see : wamc.org/post/herbert-london-presbyterian-church-and-bds-movement UK Shopping giants boycotting too : The UKs fifth-largest food retail chain, the Co-operative Group, expanded its existing anti-Israel boycott policy on April 28. The co-op has refused to stock products from West Bank Jewish communities since 2009 ; See an israeli site testify this : standwithus/news/article.asp?id=2296 Even top notch scientists and their associates are coming out in the open boycotting israel such as stephen hawking , read this mega story here : theguardian/science/political-science/2013/may/13/stephen-hawking-boycott-israel-science So much so that even the European allies and countries like chile, Ecuador, etc themselves boycott israeli trade now , see :csmonitor/World/Middle-East/2014/0216/European-boycotts-begin-to-bite-catching-Israel-s-attention-video According to Israels Maariv newspaper, Israeli sources believe that the international boycott of Israeli settlement products has already caused Israels economy financial losses amounting to about 100 million shekels ($30 million), with the agricultural sector in the Jordan Valley suffering the most. One source described the boycott as a constant war, while others added that they expect Israel will face an increase in the number of boycott calls, especially if the peace talks with the Palestinians fail and the construction of settlements continues, noting that the European Union will also renew its decision to label settlement products if the negotiations fail, which would cause even more damages to the Israeli economy. https://middleeastmonitor/news/middle-east/10165-bds-costs-israel-100-million-shekels-in-losses Now coming to Muslim nations National US ARAB Chamber of commerce published an report showing how UAE Alone makes up a huge sum of american imports See: nusacc.org/assets/library/22_trdln0607uae.pdf Then lets see saudi analysis here , again showing huge spend thirft reports :euromonitor/consumer-lifestyles-in-saudi-arabia/report So much so that the foodexport institute says : Exports of U.S. consumer food products to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC-6) members (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates or UAE, and Saudi Arabia) totaled US$1.4 billion in 2012. This represented an increase of 9% from 2011, and also set a new record high. The UAE, (47%) and Saudi Arabia (33%) remain the largest markets for U.S. food products. Consumer ready products account for nearly 55% of U.S. food and agricultural product exports to these countries. See: https://foodexport.org/Resources/CountryProfileDetail.cfm?ItemNumber=1019 In other words, the real figures are huge And if Muslims truly boycotted those products directly manufactured inside Israel and those which have an easy substitute and if the government helped them for example importing from asian countries instead of western for some products, then truly this would damage the west in a huge way. But unfortunately we dont have leaders or Muslims with such courage. Personally i have stopped using nestle tea milk and now using local ones. Also i have stopped buying products which have easy substitute from asia or non zionist companies. Via Reviving the Manhaj
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:14:25 +0000

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