FB 832 - A recent Film fare interview I did .. It must be - TopicsExpress


FB 832 - A recent Film fare interview I did .. It must be a unique thing being someone else’s voice? What made you agree to the concept? ANS// The concept was created by Balki, a person, who has continuously thought differently in his creative process. Each time he thinks thus, it strengthens my belief that he is ‘on’ something ! He has never divulged his ‘poison’ ; I have never asked. And may it ever remain so. He enjoys the process of creation, I attempt, often poorly, to give it life. He has been most generous in his acclaim towards me, but I know I have failed him on far too many occasions. Do you think Shamitabh is an ode to your voice? How challenging was it for you to match Dhanushs performance through your voice? ANS// It would be most arrogantly contemptuous, in a most conceited, supercilious manner, to ever entertain the thought that a titled film would be an ode to my voice – an element that has been given undue and blatant accolade. #Shamitabh is just another film, designed in the inventive mind of a maker. It is best left at that. The performance challenge and matching needs praise for Dhanush. It was the other way round. I recorded the entire film much before it went on set. Dhanush performed to it. And brilliantly ! You are always keen on learning something from every newcomer. What did you learn from Dhanush and Akshara Hassan? ANS// The simplicity of expression ! Have you ever asked R Balki how he always comes up to you with such great concepts? ANS// No never ! And let me tell you he has already introduced me to two others that are pending ! Balki is now like family to you. Do you ever sit with him on script level and make it better with your inputs? If you had the choice to get one celeb from the history as your guiding voice, who’d it be and why? ANS// Without a doubt Balki is like family, and yes we do sit and discuss for hours and days on the script. He has always had a very open and receptive mind during such discussions and most ready to accept what he would honestly believe is in the interests of the final product. And to his credit there have been occasions when he has taken drastic u-turns as well. But eventually it is his vision that must prevail. I have never insisted, and neither has he, on any point of disagreement between us. If you could be the guiding voice to any one person from any walk of life, who’d you choose? ANS// Hah !! I do not have the capability or the acumen to become a guiding voice for anyone. But yes, if ever there were to be a situation that coerces me to do so, I would choose my children and grandchildren. The promos of Vazir have created a lot of buzz. Again, a difficult role in the sense that you’re playing someone who has lost both legs That means shooting the film in wheelchair. ANS// All roles are difficult to portray. Nothing comes easy in front of the camera. I would like to believe that standing on your ‘own feet’ would be a bigger challenge for anyone, in film !! Piku, Vazir and Shamitabh – three fantastic roles at 72. It’s going to be a great role for Amitabh fans. ANS// Role or year ? Whatever .. I hope it is ! We have heard that Deepika has started calling you Baba as she’s playing your daughter in Piku ANS// Yes she plays my daughter in ‘Piku’, and in the character she addresses me as Baba. Often she playfully does that off camera too. Which classic film of yours that you’d like seen remade… and with whom? Or are classics better left alone? ANS// If any of my films do fall into that category, then yes, better left alone. What fitness tips would you like to give to us lesser mortals? ANS// I have no particular regimen to share. I guess what you feel content with would be the best. I read your tweets where you constantly mention your Sunday, Mother’s hand cooked delicacies. Mother’s are never wrong – stay with that !! You have started writing poetry and share snippets on social media. Is there a book in the offing? ANS// I do not have the intellect to write poetry or any snippet. These are just very ordinary musings. Putting it to book would be a stupidity. You are an avid photographer. We would love to see a coffee table book of your top shots. ANS// Really ? I never knew that I was. I do possess a few lenses and cameras, but have never put them to good use. Perhaps I should, more regularly. But for my own pleasure. Nothing quite as ambitious as a coffee table book. Are you happy for Abhisek? This year has been great for him. ANS// I am always happy for Abhishek ! Do you think Abhishek is getting his due as an actor? ANS// He has in the past, in the present and hopefully he will in the future too. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is going to make a comeback in 2015. Is the entire Bachchan family excited to see her back on screen? ANS// Yes of course. She has always had the liberty to get back to films, and we shall always be supportive and excited. What mix of emotions were you feeling before your recent meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi? Can Amitabh Bachchan get nervous? ANS// I have met the Hon Prime Minister on many occasions and they have all been most congenial. His demeanor and conduct, despite his exalted position, has always been most warm and welcoming. I would have a mix of emotions if I were to meet him to ask of something. But I never have asked him for anything, and I do hope that I never have need to do so. What’s the next level for you as an actor? ANS// By this question you presume, that I have attained some level which I must now push or go past to reach somewhere else, perhaps higher. Your presumptions are incorrect. I cannot say of the others, but I am still struggling to find level ground. And, by the way things are going and have gone, I perhaps never will. You are an international icon. Do you feel it’s a huge responsibility? ANS// Explain this to me please ! This is a self created media title. At times there has been felicitation under its synonym. I am none of this and never shall be – whatever it may mean. It sounds rather generous. A little too generous for my limited capacity, thank you kindly !! What are the dos and the don’ts that you adhere to? ANS// I do not do what needs to be done, and my dont’s are done with do’s that don’t do, irrespective of whether what I may have done, does do what I don’t think I should do .. What is that one thing you would like to tell the youngsters? ANS// Youngsters in the Film Industry ? Learn the language of your vocation, learn your lines and learn to zip up your pants before appearing in public !! Mind over matter. Can you share any incident from your life to reinstate our faith in this proverb. ANS// Talking yourself into believing that you are well. Displaying the will power to overcome a physical adversity, would define ‘mind over matter’. In my personal example there have been many. Some known some not. It is best they remain that way. Self aggrandisation is too large and complex for me to entertain. What is your favourite way to spend time with your grand children? ANS// To be in the company of their minds and their innocence ! What is your new year’s resolution for 2015? ANS// I have always wondered why anyone should wait a year to form a resolution. I have no resolution .. bas zinda rahein yahi bahut hai !! After a hard day what’s it that you look forward to when reaching home? ANS// To know what and where the family is. To be informed of the work for the next day. To study to prepare for it. To be with my EF on the social media. Given an exhaustive career, does a film not doing well still leave you depressed? ANS// But of course !! KBC enters its 14th year. How did the show enrich you? Would you say you have rediscovered your fans all over again? ANS// KBC, apart from its intrinsic game value, introduces to us all, an India, that many do not have opportunity to reach or know. I feel privileged to get an opportunity to be able to spend time with those contestants that come from such, to learn of their existence their lives their issues and their incredible and indescribable exuberance in winning the rewarded amount. For most it is a life changing experience. I am just delighted that I could be a part of that experience. I do not know how one rediscovers fans !! How do you handle gushing female fans – of all ages – on the set and off it? ANS// With great dignity and respect ! For nearly three decades, every Sunday, you greet your fans outside your residence. Are there some who have unfailingly turned up for those many years? Do you recognise their faces? ANS// Yes there are many ‘constants’, and I do recognize them and do meet them too ! On a lighter note, what remains childlike about you even today? ANS// Surely that would be something that another would have to describe. I would like to believe that there is a child in all of us, till we perish ! Would you agree that the camera is the most revered deity for an actor? Why? ANS// Yes .. and all those behind it .. The DOP, the crew, the director, writer, producer, assistants ... All ! Do you enjoy the anonymity that perhaps a vacation to a lesser known place brings? What do you enjoy doing on a holiday? ANS// Anonymity does not require a vacation, to lesser known places. I can and do enjoy it here, in my city, every day ! Holidays have been hard to come by, but when they do, the company of the family is prime. How would you define life at this stage of your life? Is it really beautiful? ANS// Life at this stage is the realization that your prime is over, that there are others younger and greatly more popular, that they shall attract more attention both on and off the camera, that, what would have been written for you shall now be written for another, that the edit on your character in the finished version of film shall be subjected to severe cuts to accommodate the other of prominence, that the fuss of stardom has shifted to the current and not the past, that the roar of your presence and the attention among the mass shall be incidental, that in the group photograph that adorn this article, the still photographer shall be focusing all his attention only on the lovely and attractive Akshara, that preferences shall differ between you and the younger popular other ; a syndrome that you would have gone through in the opposite, some decades ago, that the speed of your conversation better be as rapid as the young, or else face rejection or indifference, that the ‘spring out of bed’ in the morning is a sepia colored past, that the grips in the shower region are a necessity for the morning bath, that bending down to pick up that dropped personal property requires an eternal thought process, that your reverence for the lift in your building or any building is worthy of worship, that travel to another part of this crowded metropolis needs detailed surveys of the .. er .. euphemism ?? en route, that screams of ‘Don’! ‘Shahenshah’ ! ‘Agneepath’! in public presence are replaced by somber whispers of ‘Dada ji’ ! if you’re lucky ; most of the time its the more appropriate ... ‘eh buddhe’ !! ....... BUT ... Life could not be more beautiful !!! Do you ever feel overworked? At 72, is it hard facing round-the-clock attention? Considering there’s some titbit or anecdote about you always making news. ANS// How can one feel overworked at 72-73, you thank the Lord that there is work and that attention comes your way, at all ... Making news is your prerogative .. ask yourself that .. What’s the secret of being the king of social media? ANS// You are not going to battle me with such regal inanities !! The social media came to me quite by chance and has now grown to an ‘extended family’ (EF) status for all my well wishers. I personally operate all my platforms myself, and may I say that your interview, is presently eating up my time with my EF. I connect with them every day – its DAY 2442 on Blog, T 1715, or the number of days on Twitter, and FB 805, which is the number of days on FaceBook ... EVERY DAY .. without missing out any. It is the permanence in my life now, among many other. There is a secret .. but I am not telling you !!!! What was your state of mind when your long time friend and collaborator Deven Verma recently passed away? Did it rekindle any good memories of the old days? ANS// Deven was someone who never appeared without straight faced humor ! Directing a film, producing it, being a part of a unit, a co star, an integral part of a stage show, in social gatherings .. there was always that little trick or two he had, that brought laughter to the occasion. “This floor is made of cement concrete” was our favorite meeting line, as we pretended to sink into the floor – it giving way, contrary to the words said !! He needed to be around a lot longer !! Another one of your old time colleagues Ram Sethi (Pyare-laal) was recently seen in PK after many years. Do such candid moments send you down memory lane? ANS// Yes .. they do !! Ram Sethi was a permanent with all of Prakash Mehra’s films. It was such a joy to see him in ‘PK’ . Thank you Amitabh Bachchan
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 10:00:32 +0000

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