FB Family and Grassroots Nation: Thanks for all the prayers - TopicsExpress


FB Family and Grassroots Nation: Thanks for all the prayers and love. Since it is impossible to get to everyone one by one, I will try my best to keep you updated on my progress as we document the process of beating Leukemia once again. I may do this once this once a week, or as new developments occur. Also, the Fall season is ON. Dont think because I got got a little sick that the show will stop. I havent been able to keep keep the site up to date, but we are good to go! Be on the lookout for league updates from me over me over the next 2 weeks. For my programs.... Just keep doing what you do. We will be ready for you on Sept 6th. As far as my health, I am doing fine. I feel good, not great. But i cant remember the last time I felt great ro be honest. That is a problem right there. Hard to enjoy life when you are always tired. At least It has been for me. I have to find out everything that is wrong with me in order to get truly healthy. I have neglected my overall health for so long that Leukemia is not my only health issue. Carrying all of this extra weight over the years has taken its toll on me and I am paying a price for that right now. It is a price worth paying because apparently all of the opportunities God has given me to work on my health have gone on deaf ears. He has my attention now for sure and I must make the same committment to health and fitness that I beg all of the Grassroots kids to make. I need to be more of an example of what to do and how to do it than I have been. What I have been preaching to them is real for their lives, but I have not been practicing it in my own life. I dont have any more time to play around. I must get busy and I started about 9 days ago right after I got the word that my white cell count had accelerated. Within 4 days of starting my medication Sprycel my counts have dropped by 10,000 and that is a great thing. I will follow my doctors orders and religiously take my medication until my white cells are back in the normal range. Sprycel and committing to a healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise is how we will defeat Leukemia. I have been eating very healthy and drinking a ton of water. Added many more fruits and vegetables with NO fast food. I can feel the difference already. Dropped about 4 lbs already in a week. I have been consistently using my CPAP machine for a week now to attack the Sleep apnea and I have had more energy in the mornings, which I used to exercise 6 out of 7 days last week. For those that dont know what a CPAP machine is, it looks like a airline pilot mask that you sleep with connected to a machine that pushes oxygen through a tube and into your nostrils while you sleep. It not only keeps you from snoring, but it counteracts sleep apnea, which can be deadly at worst. At best, sleep apnea does not allow you to get the restful and regenerative sleep that we need for energy. Some of you guys may be suffering from this and not realize it. I have only had one slight setback which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I had a sleep study for a new and improved CPAP machine. During the overnight test, I was unable to sleep and couldnt stop coughing up phlegm. My wife took me to the Bowie Health Center where I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. I got admitted to PG Hospital where I am now. They are running a ton of beneficial tests on me and getting rid of the pnuemonia with IV antibiotics. I hope to be released tomorrow and begin to work hard on my new healthy lifestyle and get back to Grassroots work. I am more confident than ever that I will beat Luekemia, eliminate pnuemonia sleep apnea. I will get my blood pressure back down. I will have more energy and I will begin to get more enjoyment and fulfillment out of my life. As much as I love my Grassroots babies I cant allow myself to get so caught up with the league and the boys that I dont take care of myself and my family. God needed to get my attention. He got it! He hears all your prayers. KEEP THEM COMING!!!! He has my back on this. We have spoken. He is not pleased with me right now but He loves me and He knows how much work we have to do. My laziness has slowed up the process so He had to act to light a fire under me. It is pretty hot. If you see me out there ordering a double whopper with cheese, it is your responsibility to smack the sh#÷ out of me (LOL). I implore any of my friends and loved ones that are overweight and unhappy like like I have been to see your doctor, get checked out, and begin this journey with me. By this time next year I plan to be a lean, mean, healthy machine like my wife is. I love you guys! Dont worry about me. Coach Mike plans to be back amd better than ever. I just need you guys to keep praying and believe! Sincerely, Coach Mike
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 23:16:39 +0000

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