FB Friends, and Grassroots Nation: Just left the Oncologist - TopicsExpress


FB Friends, and Grassroots Nation: Just left the Oncologist office with the results of the blood work. As you know my counts were critically high initially, but have been miraculously dropping over the last week. I was was at 57,000 last Friday, which was down from 130,000 the week before. I was hoping to be in the 40,000 range on this visit. God has blessed me with some truly amazing doctors. Some people believe its one thing or the other. It is either the doctors and medicine getting us better, or its God. I used to be one of those dudes, so I understand. Now I believe that God anoints scientists to find cures and he anoints doctors to be the tools to save lives. In the end it is All God, but he uses his people as we are intended to be used. I believe I have the best primary care physician this world has ever known. Her name is Euphemia Brumskine and she cares deeply about all her patients and me. Feels mor like a big sister taking care of me than a doctor. She loves the Lord with all her might and is a fire breathing Christian. She does not force her beliefs on any of us, but if asked she will let you know how God is using whatever is ailing us to make us better. Then she advises healthy lifestyle changes if that will heal us, or medication of that is what it takes. My Oncologist Dr. Edward J. Lee is the most amazing Oncologist on the planet. He has been my doctor since 87 and brought me through the first time. God is using him to do it again. He loves me like and little brother and is a true believer as well. I believe in the scientists that work diligently to find cures and the pharmaceutical companies that invest the money to develop them and bring them to market. People have the right to criticize if they choose to, but if you love me just know that there would be no drug called Sprycel if a Pharmaceutical company did not invest in it. The drug I am taking Sprycel is just amazing and its doing its job. In 87 I was a part of an experimental program that scientists were studying to find a cure. In 2014, those treatments are in the form of Gleevec and Sprycel and they are saving lives. I believe in the good folks at the Luekemia and Lymphoma Society who dedicate themselves to raising awareness and money to fund the research that the scientists must do to find cures. Grassroots and the Luekemia and Lymphoma Society are about to break some fundraising records so that more people can benefit like I am benefitting. TD Jakes was preaching on the word network while I was exercising yesterday and he said....... How do we really know that God is a healer, unless we get sick? How profound is that? If I didnt know for sure after God brought me through in 87, I can assure you that I now know. On July 25th I was about as sick as I have been in a long time. I had walking pnuemonia. I had a headache everyday for the prior 2 months along with night sweats. My skin was a mess. I was listless and falling asleep during the day at odd hours. My blood pressure was 160 over 95. My weight was 290lbs. More importantly I felt like crap and was falling apart. My white blood cell count t was 130,000 when the normal range should be between 5,000 and 10,000. That is the bad news. Here is the good news! Blood pressure is down to 139 over 70. Headaches and night sweats are gone. Pnuemonia is gone. Weight is down to 277lbs. Energy is better than ever. Eating healthier than ever. Exercising every day. Drinking water like a camel. Skin is clearing up everyday. Oh and as far as as the Luekemia and the white blood cell count..... How about 7,000 I cried like a baby when he told me. Tell me that God is not everything he said He was. No turning back for coach Mike. I choose life and I choose health. Anybody with me? Thanks for all your prayers. I love you guys so much. God bless my beautiful wife for scheduling a doctors appointment when I did not want to go..... and making me me go to the hospital when I did not want to go.....and for refusing to lower her standards down to the level where I wanted to stay because it seemed to hard to get to the next level. I love that woman and I owe her my life. She is my why. Folks, in love you all and keep on praying!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:08:14 +0000

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