FB/This is a must read.I know its alot of reading.after you read - TopicsExpress


FB/This is a must read.I know its alot of reading.after you read this.you gonna be really thinking..... Alabama Jews fought against Abraham Lincoln to maintain Black slavery, and when they lost the Civil War they feared the loss of their unpaid cotton-picking African slaves. So they financed the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize Blacks into remaining on the plantations as sharecroppers long after Emancipation. Where did you THINK American Jewish wealth came from?! When Dr. King arose to confront the injustices of a society that has enriched so many Jews, Birmingham’s Jews stood firmly against him, even going so far as to financially back the notorious American Nazi, Eugene “Bull” Connor—the man who unleashed the dogs and fire hoses in Kelly Ingram Park! But that is not the worst of it. For the last 50 years Birmingham’s Jews have been hiding the fact that one of the most vicious race haters in America was the spiritual leader of Richard Friedman’s own synagogue! In the 1960s, Rabbi Milton Grafman led Temple Emanu-El, which to this day still honors its race-hating clergyman with its Grafman Endowment Fund. So destructive were the rabbi’s actions to racial justice that Dr. King criticized him directly in his famous “Letter From Birmingham Jail.” It is rarely asked why Dr. King was in that jail to begin with. He was leading protests against the anti-Black practices of the major downtown retailers, including the Parisian, Pizitz’s, Blach’s, and Loveman’s. All these stores were Jewish-owned, and all insulted Black shoppers daily with their apartheid drinking fountains, segregated lunch counters and bathrooms, and all-White sales clerks. And all were members of Rabbi Grafman’s Temple Emanu-El synagogue. Instead of standing with Dr. King for justice, these Jewish merchants used their immense financial power with the city to throw him in Birmingham jail. Dr. King could easily have been referring to Jews when he wrote: “Why is equality so assiduously avoided? Why does White America delude itself, and how does it rationalize the evil it retains?” rabbi_milton_grafman_07-09-2013.jpg Rabbi Milton Grafman And how did Rabbi Milton Grafman—Richard Friedman’s rabbi—rationalize his city’s evil as children were being bombed, as hoses flattened Black church-goers, as Black shoppers drank “negro” water from “negro” fountains in Jewish department stores, as Dr. King sat in a cold, dark cell? Rabbi Grafman publicly decreed: “The lives of one thousand Negroes are not worth a hair on the head of a single Jew.” Think about that statement, then think about the history of the Civil Rights Movement, and try to find a comparable anti-Black expression of grotesque inhumanity from any White Gentile segregationist. Let us “Never Forget” that the collected bile of notorious haters like Rabbi Grafman, George Wallace, Strom Thurmond, Lester Maddox, and Bull Connor had its source in the Jewish Talmud, a book of tricks and lies crafted by the rabbis of ancient times. Foreseeing the immense profits of African slavery, these Talmudic troublemakers invented the CURSE OF HAM, a myth made up out of whole cloth that makes God Himself the author of racism and justifies Black slavery! Grafman’s “one-Jewish-hair” statement—which reduces the value of 1,000 Black lives to less than a strand of hair—carries into modern times a hate-filled Jewish tradition thousands of years old. Who ARE these people?! We are blessed to have the answer in the red-letter words of Jesus Himself, who made a powerful distinction between Jews in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” In fact, those “Jews” who operate from Rabbi Grafman’s twisted, hateful and creepy racial belief system are the Synagogue of Satan. Who else could they be? Would the God of Freedom, Justice, Equality, and Righteousness ever choose such a people, a people whose wealth is based in slavery, sharecropping, exploitation, and Jim Crow apartheid?
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 01:42:57 +0000

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