FBB, HEALTH TIP! DONT UNDERMINE THE THERAPEUTIC POTENCY OF BITTER COLA. ITS VERY GOOD AND REGULATES UGLY EFFECT OF BAD BREATH. No, no, no, you said its so bitter you cant chew it, right? There you are because you have missed a lot. If you are suffering and battling the ugly trend of bad breath, simple, make friend with this God given natural fruit, the bitter cola, chew one seed or proportionate quantity, even if you cant shallow all, but ensure you garnish it well over your mouth with your silver and the wonderful natural enzyme and nutrient contains in the fruit will absorb all the bacterial and fungi that make your mouth to develop oduor, living your mouth fresh and clean. Also, you can leave one fruit in your mouth and and chew it in bits while you go your normal business, its better off chewing gum and candies, lol. So, what are you waiting for, feel free, go natural, chew and make friend with bitter cola and bid goodbye to mouth odour. Also, the spiritual potency of this wonderful gift of nature, the bitter cola, cannot be overemphasized. Father bless you good people of God.Freely ye receive, freely give, no string attach. BCS is love. Thank you Father
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 15:04:11 +0000

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