FBF – For the International Saints and friends who is across the - TopicsExpress


FBF – For the International Saints and friends who is across the International date line, as well as the saints and friends here in the Western World, who follow the Sunday School Lessons, TAKEN FROM: International Sunday School Lessons…… Sunday School Song For This Winter Quarter of “Acts of Worship”: *Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty* Standard Lesson Commentary - KJV - “Unit 2: LEARNING TO PRAY” OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR SUNDAY : January 11, 2015 Lesson # 6 - TITLED: “JESUS’ PRAYER FOR HIS DISCIPLES” DEVOTIONAL READING: St. John 15:1-11 BACKGROUND SCRIPTURE: St. John 17:1-26 PRINTED TEXT: St. John 17:6-21 GOLDEN TEXT: St. John 17:20-21 INTRODUCTION: In this 6th lesson for the new quarter, The Gospel of St. John has an emphasis upon Jesus’ prayer for His disciples. Today’s lesson will give us a look at this important prayer, offered up by Jesus on His last night before His death. It is a prayer that reveals His earnest desire that His followers be one. It also gives us insights into Jesus’ prayer practices. It also shows how Jesus included learning to pray as a part or the training of His disciples, and how to do Intercessory prayer. Today’s lesson comes from what is called “The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus”. Word Study meaning……. 1. Prayer – To make an address as a petition to God in word or thought. (2) an earnest request, petition, or wish. 2. Model – To plan or form after a pattern. (2) To produce a representation or simulation of (3) To construct or fashion in imitation or a particular model. 3. Preserve-To persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences , opposition or discouragement. 4. Pray – To make a request in a humble way. (2) Entreat (3) Implore 5. Petition – An earnest request (2) Something asked. 1st OUTLINE - PRAYER FOR DISCIPLES – St. John 17:16-19 In this verse 6, Jesus continues to review important aspects of His ministry. The purpose throughout Jesus ministry has been to make known in both word and deed the nature and purpose of God the Father to the disciples. In verses 7 & 8 Jesus continues to reaffirm the foundational aspects of His ministry. At the core is the disciples’ conviction that it is the Father who has sent Jesus. . The conviction that Jesus comes from the Father requires Jesus’ followers to understand that His teachings are from the Father as well. There is no separation between the mission and the message of Jesus in the purposes of God the Father. In verses 9 & 10 – Jesus’ prayer focuses on the disciples gathered in the upper room; by extension, we may see ourselves included in that group as well. The gathered group is characterized in three ways. First, they are given to Jesus by the Father. Jesus does not see His disciples as a random group of accidental follower. Second, Jesus’ disciples belong both to Him and to the Father. There is a common identity. Third, the disciples’ purpose is to glorify Jesus and the Father. In verse 11, Jesus in praying returns to the Father and prays for the protection of His followers. He realizes that He will physically leave the disciples with His coming death, resurrection, and ascension, but the power of the Father to keep them will remain. In verse 12, Jesus’ prayer remembers that He has kept His disciples safe, not allowing them to stray from their faith in Him and not allowing them to disintegrate into factions of disunity. There is one exception though, “the son of perdition” which is Judas Iscariot, whose treachery is seen as fulfillment of Scripture. In verse 13 Jesus’ pending transition from being in the world to being fully reunited with the Father is again emphasized. There are great horrors ahead for Jesus and His followers, but for Jesus the present moment is a time of joy. He looks forward joyfully to His final destination, not the road He must travel to get there, and He wants this joy to be shared among His disciples. In verse 14 means that Jesus the man has revealed the Word of God, has given God’s message of truth to His disciples. Since Jesus is not of the world but sent by the Father, the acceptance of His message makes His followers “not of this world’ either. In verse 15, Jesus does not pray for the extraction of His disciples. Neither is He calling for them to be withdrawn from the theater of war. He asked that God keep His disciples from the evil as echoed in the Lord’s Prayer. This evil is personified in satan. The danger of the devil is not so much physical harm, but the spiritual damage he may exact by enticing the disciples to follow him. In verses 16 & 17, in Jesus’ prayer, He reminds those overhearing it that His followers are not of the world, and again gives His assertion: I am not of this world. Our protections in this hostile world is to be sanctified and made holy, and a key aspect of the concept of this holiness is to be separated from sin, to be set apart for the Lord’s service. Following God’s Word set us apart in terms of different, holy behavior and thinking. . Believing God’s Word gives us victory over the deception of the world, and the wily tricks of the devil, the evil one. In verses 18 & 19 Jesus finishes this section of the prayer by summarizing His disciples mission and trying it very closely with His own. Jesus sends them into the world as He was sent by God. They are mission-driven, holy soldiers sent into an unbelieving hostile world to testify for Him and of Him. 2nd OUTLINE – PRAYER INCLUSION – St. John 17: 20 & 21 In verse 20, Jesus now leaves no doubt regarding whom His prayer includes: His prayer extends far beyond the circle of disciples gathered in an upstairs room. In so praying, Jesus discloses His plan for the future. His reason for sending His disciples into a realm that hates Him and them: prophetically, there will be other disciples who shall believe on me through their word. In verse 21, This section of the prayer ends with grand crescendo, a celebration of unity. The unity of the followers of Christ is both a goal of the church and a witness to the world of the legitimacy of their faith. NOW SAINTS OF GOD – GOT YOUR PEN AND PAD READY - TO TAKE SCRIPTURES AND NOTES AS I EXTRAPOLATE- 3 POINTS FROM THIS LESSON “JESUS’ PRAYER FOR HIS DISCIPLES” POINT #1 - FOLLOW“JESUS’ PRAYER FOR HIS DISCIPLES” IN THE HOME St. Matthew 6:9-13 (9) After this manner therefore pray ye; Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. (10) Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (11) Give us this day our daily bread, (12) And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (13) And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. POINT #2 FOLLOW “JESUS’ PRAYER FOR HIS DISCIPLES” IN THE CHURCH St. Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. St. Luke 18:1 And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought to always pray and not to faint; Romans :26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought; but the Spirit maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered POINT #3 FOLLOW“JESUS’ PRAYER FOR HIS DISCIPLES “ IN THE WORLD. St. Matthew 9:38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest. St. John 14:16 And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever. St. John 16:26 At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you. St. John 17: 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil. A song for this lesson “JESUS’ PRAYER FOR HIS DISCIPLES” sings: SOMEBODY PRAYED FOR ME #1 Somebody prayed for me, had me on their mind, Took the time and prayed for me. I’m so glad they prayed, I’m so glad they prayed I’m so glad they prayed for me. #2 Jesus prayed for me, in the garden of Gethsemane Took the time and prayed for me; I’m so glad He prayed, I’m so glad He prayed, I’m so glad He prayed for me Conclusion: “JESUS’ PRAYER FOR HIS DISCIPLES” … From this wonderful text, we learn we should pray with structure, with persistence, and with expectations. Prayer is something we Learn TO DO, just as we learn to sing praises or study the bible. Praying is a central part of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. We are in the world but not of this world. Those of us who are called by the name of Christ are troubled by the disunity of the Church. May we never be satisfied with a divided Church. May we long for and work towards a united Church, unified under the lordship of Jesus Christ in adherence to His Word. Such a Church can then produce a unified witness to an unbelieving world. We are called to bring glory to the name of Christ. We serve to glorify Him, we do so by our life of service. We are to spread that gospel of that good news of the cross to others that has no hope of an inheritance. . We know that there are people that do not know God, we are to tell them, about the altar of God which is their body and in their spirit and give them something to shout about, they too can get to know and have this” Hope of Glory” which is Jesus in the pardoning of their sins and for their having an inheritance among them that are sanctified. Tell the sinners seek Him while He may be found for salvation, saints can call on God for whatever the need, God is love, and as God expressed -His love for humanity – by giving us His Son – and the Son - personified that action by giving His life as in St. John 3:16-17 that says: (16) For God so loved the world – that He gave His only Begotten Son- that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish – but have everlasting life (17) For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world – but the world through Him might be saved. So tell them, Come to the fountain so rich and sweet – Cast thou poor soul at the Savior’s feet. Plunge in today and be made complete – Glory to His name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus is still calling sinners to repentance - as in Matthew 9:13 - I dare not close this lesson without asking -If there is anyone- reading this Face Book Page -who is tired of the load of your sins- and tired of living in sin- and you desire to repent of your sins- and to accept Jesus as your personal Savior- and to be ready for His soon return- to live eternal life with Jesus- It is of the utmost “urgency” that you come and repent now - Don’t let this moment pass-You do not know when the night will come in your life – neither do you know where death is- Or when Jesus might come back. Accept Jesus now as your personal Savior- and to be ready for His soon return- to live eternal life with Jesus- It is of the utmost “urgency” that you Come Now – Don’t risk- dying without Jesus- and going to hell and eternal torment- Hell is too hot – eternity is too long - There is STILL room - at the cross for you –- Jesus- is saying – come, the Spirit and the Bride say, come. And let him that heareth, come. And let him that is athirst, Come. And whosoever will - let him take the water of life freely. Right now-put your heart –mind- and thoughts on Jesus repeat and say in your heart with me. Lord Jesus- come into my heart- I repent of my sins- and I accept you as my personal Savior- my Redeemer- I know that you died on the cross- for my sins. Wash me thoroughly- from mine iniquities – my rebellion - cleanse and save me- from my sins. I give my heart – to you -Save me Jesus- Save me Jesus- Save me Jesus. Now tell Him- thank you Jesus for saving me - thank you Jesus. Now- that you have accepted Jesus – as you’re personal Savior- your next step is to be filled with the Holy Ghost to have something “to keep you from falling” as in Jude 1:24. To this end you need to go and join in a Holy Ghost filled Church with other Holy Ghost filled saints, and that you be baptized- in the name of Jesus – as in Acts 2:38 - for the remission of your sins- and be filled with the Holy Ghost – in order to live a saved - and sanctified life- pleasing to God – and in a readiness state - in the Holy Ghost - for His soon return – I and other Saints of God will continue to pray for you. – Because - He is coming back for The Church “His Bride”. So as in Ephesians 5: 27 - that He might present to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot, nor wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be Holy and without blemish. SCRIPTURE TO REMEMBER FOR THIS LESSON AS OUR KEY VERSE: “JESUS’ PRAYER FOR HIS DISCIPLES” St. John 17: 20, 21 (20) Neither pray I for these alone, but for them which shall believe on me through their word; that they all me be one; as Thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee, (21) that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that Thou has sent me. Prayer for this lesson: “JESUS’ PRAYER FOR HIS DISCIPLES” Father God, we know that your are the provider of all of our daily needs both spiritual and physical. Jesus, as we are commanded to pray, help us to keep our hearts, minds, and spirits focused on you, as we share Your blessings with the world. As we are commanded to speak for you as you have commissioned us to speak Your Word on your behalf, help us to speak as the oracles of God, Our Savior Our deliverer, Our Redeemer. It is in you we live, move, and have our being. We will evangelize the world for You as you prayed for us, and as we pray for others. As we go, we will remind them of the commandments from God – and make mention that the wages of sin is still death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. We will bless the Lord at all times, your praises as the fruit of our lips, will continually be in our mouths in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior……. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 01:57:39 +0000

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