FBI STATISTICS BELIE CLAIMS OF RAMPANT ANTI-MUSLIM CRIME - Clarion Project publication based on Islamist Watch David Rusins analysis In America, apologists posit that Islamophobia is a myth because violent incidents against Jews are higher than Muslims and the frequency of hate offenses against Muslims has remained at a stable level from 2002 until now. Both facts are genuine, but connivingly omit other brushstrokes which delineate a clearer portrait. In 2000, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported only 28 offenses against Muslims and 1,161 against Jews. Within one year in 2001, it peaked to 481 crimes- a whopping 1,617% increase- against Muslims and 1,403 targeting Jews. Offenses dropped significantly in 2002 to 155 against Muslims and 931 against Jews. Then the frequency fluctuated near the 160 level (a 435% increase from pre-2001 levels) against Muslims until 2013 with 135 Muslim victims (a 21% increase from pre-2001 levels) and anti-Jewish offenses at 625 (54% less than the 2000 level). It is also salient to mention that there was a 50% spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes from 2009 to 2010. The translation of the preceding data is for 13 years following the tragic attacks on the World Trade Center, anti-Jewish crimes have consistently decreased to half of its prior 9-11 numbers. And anti-Muslim offenses have maintained a 21% spike till today. If one were to extrapolate the statistics, it may be a portent that Muslims will inevitably replace Jews as the major targets of anti-Semitism. Furthermore, if the FBI reports are inspected by what percentage Muslims and Jews comprise of the U.S. population (from the Pew Forum) in order to grasp an idea of the effect such offenses have on each, we may get an even clearer silhouette. In 2013, we get .0120% of the Jewish population-which comprises of 1.7% of the total U.S. population- being affected while .0100% of the Muslim population- which comprises .6% of the U.S.- being affected. This means -in consideration of a margin of error-that religiously motivated hate crimes-despite numbers being higher for a more considerable Jewish population- affect both Jews and Muslims nearly the same. The difference is negligible. It is also illuminating to note that hate crimes against the Catholic population - which is 20 times larger than both Muslim and Jewish populations- and the Protestant population -which is 50 times larger than both- remained lower than Jews and Muslims combined, throughout the period of 2000 to 2013. The above statistics does not incorporate other hidden aspects of Islamophobia which apologists wink at. According to a Time magazine poll, 28% of participants believe Muslims should not be eligible for U.S. Supreme Court positions and one-third felt there should never be a Muslim president. According to a Washington Post and ABC News poll, only 37% had an amicable opinion of Islam. A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll discovered that 22 percent of respondents would not tolerate a Muslim as their neighbor and 39% said they desired Muslim Americans would be obligated to possess special identification. Another poll in 2011 by USA Today unearthed that 3 out of 10 Americans suspected Muslim Americans have some form of sympathy toward Al Qaeda. Proposed legislation also reveals Islamophobia. 7 states in the U.S. now have anti-Islamic legislation. In 2010, Oklahoma voters approved legislation that foisted judges from acknowledging Islam in court proceedings. Despite the 1st amendment, Oklahomans were meretriciously advised to the definition of Islam in voting booths. The Council of Islamic American Relations (CAIR) has counted 78 bills and amendments introduced by Republicans in 29 states and the U.S. congress, which negatively portray Islam. Legislation is not the only dog mark of a chapter in the history book of American Islamophobia. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), in the years after 2001 proclaimed that despite Muslim Americans comprising only 2% of the U.S., they filed one-fourth of the job discrimination complaints. A study by Carnegie Mellon University found that job applicants who listed their religion as Muslim were overlooked more than other religions . Such observation extended to such length as 2% of Muslim applicants not being called for a job interview in Republican Southern states. The Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed charges of employment discrimination appending one case of horripilation against JBS Swift -a meat packing company- because 160 Somali workers were cursed, not allowed to pray, and hit with blood and meat and bones as a result of their religion. Despite the American Civil Liberties Union ( ACLU ) ruling that the Muslim females hijab is protected under the 1st and 14th amendments of the U.S. constitution, a multitude of cases pertaining to discrimination have arisen against Muslim women. For example, Samantha Elauf is now taking Abercrombie & Fitch to the U.S. Supreme Court for refusing to hire her in consequence of her hijab. Hani Khan was fired by the same preceding company because she would not undress her hijab during working hours. Other measures include convictions of suspected terrorists such as Ziyad Yaghi whose benign trip to Jordan and Israel ,Facebook posts, and vague friendships was ample yet lissome evidence to convict him of the ambiguous Conspiracy to Commit Terrorism charge. This is un-constitutional because he was immured for documentation dependent on his thoughts and associations alone. New York University School of Law Center for Human Rights and Global Justice has reported that according to their research, over 200 Muslim Americans have been wrongfully convicted established on no evidence nor plot. In regards to illegal detentions, T he Atlantic estimates 60% of suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba are innocent, the Voice Of Russia claims 90%. As history illuminates, De Facto racism is the most overlooked, yet most pernicious form of racism. The above only touched the outer surface of the detrimental effect a scurvy Islamophobia has on a portion of Americans, continuously being victimized in America today. iviews/articles/articles.asp?ref=IV1501-6002&p=2
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 05:09:34 +0000

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