FEAR (How it hinders a womans potential, calling and purpose) - TopicsExpress


FEAR (How it hinders a womans potential, calling and purpose) (1) ...from LWs Wednesdays Whatsapp conversation. Fear has a strong hold on those who let it. Fear causes doubt, lack of confidence, uncertainty, depression, agitation, etc. A fearful person is on the edge and anxious all the time. Its side effects are usually negative. Whether directly or indirectly. people put fear is us either as a means to make us give up on what are doing or to stop us from even beginning. For example, fear in put in us through the media about road accidents. Will we then stay home and not go about our endeavours? Someway, we overcome that fear or manage it to some extent and with a level of faith get on a bus and still go out right? Because we know we have an appointment to meet or something important we cant afford to miss If we look at our destiny or endeavours from this angle too, that our destiny has an appointment to meet and with faith and begin to do the things we have been made to fear, we will beat the odds. Fear has now become formalized, now captioned as phobia. Now, people really hide under the cover of I have a phobia for this or that and not do anything to conquer that fear. Fear is real but more real is faith, courage and boldness which Gods grace has made available to us. Looking at it critically, you do not just wake up one morning and begin to fear a thing. Its either the process of that thing happening every time or you keep hearing the story of it every time that makes you gradually begin to fear. E.g boko haram. Or an event of the past that makes you begin to fear certain things. E.g. a bad relationship or an abusive childhood now causes one to fear men or stuffs like that. Faith, courage, boldness, being bodacious, etc is not the absence of fear but your ability to tap into your inner strength, hold on to God and his world, damning every negativity and looking unto your goals. IT MEANS YOU MUST FACE YOUR FEAR Even if it means facing it time and time again until you overcome it. In the area of Purpose, Calling, Goals..., you must overcome your fear and take a step. Some people believe that women are weaker vessels But I tell you that we are not. Though the bible commanded in 1Peter that husband should treat their women as unto weaker vessels. As unto means they should be treated with care as you will handle a fragile object at home. as unto means, as you will NOT that they are. Moreso, when it comes to endurance. Ladies, we are the best at that. It takes endurance to go through puberty stage to monthly period pains, carrying a child for 9months and bear the pain till d child is delivered. It doesnt stop there Ladies because you will nurse the child, wash his/her clothes, teach and nurture, hope that he/she will grow up someday and become what God has ordained him/her to be Above all, a lady is also a helpmeet to keep the man on track lest he miss his path. Therefore, ladies in the house. youve got ENDURANCE. Do not fear to take a step in serving God with passion and zeal, in going miles for God, in pursuit of your vision, purpose, calling and dreams. Youve got something that can kill your fear! If you have tried before and you failed. Keep trying. A failure is not someone that has been trying but someone who has not tried at all.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:51:24 +0000

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