FEAR: (I HAVE IT) It holds us back, plain and simple. I like to - TopicsExpress


FEAR: (I HAVE IT) It holds us back, plain and simple. I like to think of myself as a big, strong, tough guy, but the truth is...I have a lot of fears and insecurities. They were especially bad back when I was heavy. So many things that I wanted to do, but didnt because of fear of failure, fear of ridicule, fear of being ostracized. And all this fear did was make me retract further and further into a smaller and smaller bubble. But the further I retracted, the more fear I had and the less belief I had in myself and the idea that others could like or believe in me. I got more shy, more bitter, more untrusting, and I didnt like it all. Take a look at this video from Tony Horton about the Fear of Working Out. youtu.be/zWd-lJxMyRQ Everything he says is exactly how I felt and how I know so many other people feel too. But at some point you just have to let that fear go so that you can finally live. You can finally be the you that you were meant to be. I finally let go of that physical fear 4 years ago and it allowed me to flourish. I became strong and confident and more kind, more empathetic, and developed enough self esteem and belief in myself that I was able to take the next step and begin helping others. I became a Beachbody Coach and started a business. I got certified as a fitness instructor and now teach others. 20, 10, 5 years ago if you would have told me that in 2014 I would be in the best shape of my life, running my own business, helping others, teaching Insanity classes live at a gym, taking Caribbean and Las Vegas trips for working hard for an awesome company that I truly believe in, I would have said you were nuts. But in March 2010 I let go of some of my fears and here I am today, doing all of those things, and looking forward to what each new day holds for me if I just let go of my fears. So whats holding you back from truly living? From doing what you really want to do? From becoming the YOU that you were meant to be? I want to help you get there. It will be the best thing youve ever done, I promise you that.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 21:00:25 +0000

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