FEAR THEM (NOT) THEREFORE: For there is NOTHING COVERED, That - TopicsExpress


FEAR THEM (NOT) THEREFORE: For there is NOTHING COVERED, That shall Not be REVEALED; and HID, That shall Not be KNOWN! (Matthew 10:26.) * Mr. George H. W. Bush was the 41st. President/Mr. Clinton Counting Pres. Cleveland Twice, 41st. King of JUDAH, 41st. Emperor of ROME, During the 41st. GENERATION of the 42 GENERATIONS Before The 2ND. Coming/ The Coming of CHRIST in Matthew 1:1-17. * DURING! The 2ND. Year of President George H. W. Bushs Reign, He sent US Forces into IRAQ/ BABYLON of Old; On August 2, 1990 Coalition forces was authorized by the UN and lead by the US to Liberate Kuwait. (5 MONTHS) Later, on January 17, 1991 A.D. The Persian Gulf conflict between the Coalition forces and IRAQ/BABYLON began! * THE! (5 MONTHS) in Revelation 9:5- And to them it was given that they should (NOT KILL THEM,) but they should be Tormented (5 MONTHS;) and their Torment was as the Torment of a Scorpion, when he striketh a man. IN! 1990 - 1991 AD. in Revelation 9:1a- And the 5th Angel Sounded, and I saw (A STAR) fall from (HEAVEN unto the EARTH:) * Revelation 12:4a- (THE 3RD. PART OF THE STARS OF HEAVEN!) IN! Daniel 12:3- And THAY that be WISE Shall (SHINE) As The (BRIGHTNESS) of The FIRMAMENT; And THEY that Turn (MANY TO RIGHTROUSNESS) As The (STARS) for Ever and Ever. * (THE STAR!) Who Fell from ( HEAVEN unto the EARTH) in Revelation 9:1: (WERE! Such PREACHERS As Mr. JIM SWAGGART and JIM BAKKER) And They Were NOT Alone! * THINGS! Being DOUBLED during The 3RD. TIME in These (LAST DAYS,) in Ezekiel 21:14b- And Let The (SWORD BE DOUBLED THE 3RD. TIME:) Ezekiel 21:19- (THE SWORD of The King of BABYLON!) HUSSEIN! of BABYLON/IRAQ in these (LATER DAYS!) * IN! Revelation 9:2- 3; The (SMOKE) out of The PIT that Darken the Sun and the LOCUSTS in Revelation 9:7; Which were shaped like HORSES prepared for Battle and in 9:9; which had the BREASTPLATES of (IRON, AND WINGS) that SOUND like MANY HORSES Running to Battle. (THEY WERE HELICOPTERS) and the (SMOKE) that CAME Out of the PIT and Darken the SUN, Came from when HUSSEIN had His Men to Set the (OIL WELLS ON FIRE!) DEATH COUULD (NOT) BE FOUND! * REVELATION 9:6- And in those Days shall Men (SEEK DEATH,) and Shell NOT be able to Find It; and DEATH shall Flee from them. * Of which, beginning on June 4, 1990 Dr. JACK Kevorkian, Better Known as (DR. DEATH;) Assisted his first Victim to DIE! * It is recorded that from 1990 - 1998 AD. He Helped to PUT 93 People to (DEATH!) AFTERWARD! Some other People SOUGHT DR. (DEATH;) to be PUT to DEATH, but could (NOT FIND DEATH,) because (HE) was Put into Prison in 1999 to serve10 to 25 Years for 2nd. Degree (MURDER)! * This occurred during the Reign of GEORGE H. W. Bush’s Presidency, 1989 - 1993 AD. and the Most part of Clinton’s Presidency from 1993 - 2001 A.D. * W/By - George N. Holman; At - https://facebook/pages/Author-G-N-Holman-Ministry/159330774145892.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 09:48:42 +0000

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