FEAST AND FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF JESUS Today January 11 Sunday - TopicsExpress


FEAST AND FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF JESUS Today January 11 Sunday following the feast of the Epiphany, dedicated to celebrating the baptism of Christ, marks the culmination of Christmas and the whole cycle of manifestation of the Lord. It is also said Sunday that leads to the time during the year, also known as Ordinary Time. Lord, our God, whose Son assumed the reality of our flesh manifested to, grant, we pray, to transform internally image of him who in his humanity was like us (col. 2). Today is a holiday for all of us too, because with the baptism we are entitled to the Divine fatherhood. moments ago francisco His Holiness Pope at Mass baptism of Jesus manisfestaba this: You, moms give their children milk; even now, if they are hungry or cry, they can give them milk. Thank the Lord for the gift of milk, and pray for those mothers who are unfortunately many who are able to feed their children. Let us pray and try to help these moms. So what makes the body milk, the Word of God does for the spirit: the Word of God grows faith. And by faith we ourselves are generated by God. This is what happens in baptism. After recalling that Baptism includes us in the body of the Church, the holy people of God. And in this body, in this town up, faith is transmitted from generation to generation, as a go from hand to hand the flame of faith . Teach your children, continued the Pope, who can not be Christians outside the Church, can not follow Christ without the Church ... Because the Church is mother and makes us grow in Jesus Christ. In conclusion, Francisco drew attention to the importance of the Holy Spirit, which are enshrined baptized. Do not pray much to the Holy Spirit ... is very important to pray to the Holy Spirit!. The word Christian, he said, this means, means consecrated as Jesus, in the same spirit in which Jesus was immersed in all his earthly existence. He is the Christ, the baptized are Christians. And then, dear parents, dear godfathers and godmothers, if they want their children to become true Christians, help them grow immersed in the Holy Spirit, that is, in the heat of the love of God, in the light of their word. Therefore, do not forget often invoke the Holy Spirit, every day. They can, for example, with this simple prayer: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 11:33:32 +0000

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